2017-03-15 19:29:34 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include <nel/misc/types_nl.h>
# include <nel/misc/time_nl.h>
# include <nel/misc/entity_id.h>
# include <nel/misc/sheet_id.h>
# include <nel/misc/bit_set.h>
# include <nel/misc/mem_stream.h>
# include <nel/net/service.h>
# include <nel/georges/u_form.h>
# include "tick_event_handler.h"
# include "base_types.h"
# include <vector>
# include <map>
extern NLMISC : : CMemDisplayer * TmpDebugDisplayer ;
// Known types of property value
enum TTypeOfProp { TypeUint8 , TypeSint8 , TypeUint16 , TypeSint16 , TypeUint32 , TypeSint32 , TypeUint64 , TypeSint64 , TypeFloat , TypeDouble , TypeBool , TypeCEntityId , TypeUnknown } ;
// Possibles sizes of row
enum TSizeOfRow { Row32 , Row16 , Row8 } ;
const std : : string ENTITYID_PREFIX = " _EId_ " ;
* Exception class for the mirror system
class EMirror : public NLMISC : : Exception
} ;
const sint InvalidSMId = - 1 ;
// Get dataset in sheetid map
# define GET_SDATASET(it) ((*it).second)
// Get dataset in name map
# define GET_NDATASET(it) (*((*it).second))
* Structure of a dataset for loading
class TDataSetSheet
public :
/// Read the sheet
void readGeorges ( const NLMISC : : CSmartPtr < NLGEORGES : : UForm > & form , const NLMISC : : CSheetId & sheetId ) ;
/// Serial (for fast binary sheet loading)
void serial ( NLMISC : : IStream & s ) ;
/// Return the version of this class, increments this value when the content of this class changed
static uint getVersion ( ) { return 3 ; }
/// Void
void removed ( ) { }
/// Add a property which is not listed in .dataset files
void addACustomProperty ( std : : string & name , TTypeOfProp typeOfProp /*, sint8 weight*/ , bool propIsList )
PropertyNames . push_back ( name ) ;
PropIndexToType . push_back ( typeOfProp ) ;
//Weights.push_back( weight );
PropIsList . push_back ( propIsList ) ;
/// Return the dataset size to use. If found in the .cfg, use the value of the property DataSetSize + DataSetName., otherwise use the value in the sheet.
TDataSetIndex getConfigDataSetSize ( ) const ;
std : : string DataSetName ;
TPropertyIndex NbProperties ;
uint32 MaxNbRows ;
std : : vector < std : : string > PropertyNames ;
std : : vector < TTypeOfProp > PropIndexToType ;
//std::vector<sint8> Weights; // not used: currently all property values are always sent
std : : vector < bool > PropIsList ;
std : : vector < uint8 > EntityTypesFilter ;
} ;
* TSDataSetSheets
typedef std : : map < NLMISC : : CSheetId , TDataSetSheet > TSDataSetSheets ;
// TServiceId (8 bits)
//typedef uint8 TServiceId8;
* Pointers for accessing the values and the change timestamps of a specific property
struct TPropertyValueArrayHeader
void reset ( )
Values = NULL ;
ChangeTimestamps = NULL ;
ChangeServiceIds = NULL ;
# endif
ListCellContainer = NULL ;
DataTypeSize = 0 ;
//#ifdef NL_DEBUG
IsReadOnly = false ;
IsMonitored = false ;
/// Pointer on the values(points into shared memory)
void * Values ;
/// Pointer on the timestamps (points into shared memory)
NLMISC : : TGameCycle * ChangeTimestamps ;
/// Pointer on the change service ids (points into shared memory)
NLNET : : TServiceId8 * ChangeServiceIds ;
# endif
/// Pointer on the list container (points into shared memory if the property is a list property)
void * ListCellContainer ;
/// Return the location of the index of the first free cell (beginning the list of free cells)
static TSharedListRow * getFreeCellsFront ( void * listCellContainer ) { return ( TSharedListRow * ) ( ( ( uint8 * ) listCellContainer ) - sizeof ( TSharedListRow ) ) ; }
/// Data type size of the property for type checking in debug mode
uint32 DataTypeSize ;
//#ifdef NL_DEBUG
/// Flag to check if the property is read-only
bool IsReadOnly ;
/// Flag to monitor the assignment of the values
bool IsMonitored ;
} ;
* Pointers for accessing the entity ids and the booleans to check if there are still online or if they have been removed
struct TEntityIdArrayHeader
void reset ( )
EntityIds = NULL ;
OnlineBitfieldPt = NULL ;
OnlineTimestamps = NULL ;
Counts = NULL ;
SpawnerServiceIds = NULL ;
/// Set the service responsible for managing the entity (spawning/despawning)
void setSpawnerServiceId ( TDataSetIndex entityIndex , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId )
SpawnerServiceIds [ entityIndex ] = NLNET : : TServiceId8 ( serviceId ) ;
/// Test if online or removed
bool isOnline ( TDataSetIndex entityIndex ) const
//nlassert(entityIndex>=0 && entityIndex<NumBits);
uint32 mask = entityIndex & ( NL_BITLEN - 1 ) ;
mask = 1 < < mask ;
return ( OnlineBitfieldPt [ entityIndex > > NL_BITLEN_SHIFT ] & mask ) ! = 0 ;
/// Mark as online or removed, and update the online timestamp
void setOnline ( TDataSetIndex entityIndex , bool value )
//nlassert(entityIndex>=0 && entityIndex<NumBits);
uint32 mask = entityIndex & ( NL_BITLEN - 1 ) ;
mask = 1 < < mask ;
if ( value )
OnlineBitfieldPt [ entityIndex > > NL_BITLEN_SHIFT ] | = mask ;
OnlineBitfieldPt [ entityIndex > > NL_BITLEN_SHIFT ] & = ~ mask ;
// Timestamp the changing of online state
updateOnlineTimestamp ( entityIndex ) ;
// Check that the same service created and set online/offline the entity
void checkSpawnerId ( TDataSetIndex entityIndex , NLNET : : TServiceId serviceId ) const
nlassert ( SpawnerServiceIds [ entityIndex ] = = NLNET : : TServiceId8 ( serviceId ) ) ;
/// Update the online timestamp of an entity. Done when creating an entity, when setting/unsetting it online
void updateOnlineTimestamp ( TDataSetIndex entityIndex )
OnlineTimestamps [ entityIndex ] = CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) ;
/// Check if the row has not been reassigned and invalidated the dataset row object
bool isDataSetRowStillValid ( const TDataSetRow & dataSetRow ) const
return ( dataSetRow . counter ( ) = = 0 ) // no removal counter in the object
# ifdef NL_DEBUG
// check if the row has not been reassigned to another entity;
// if the entity has left, check if the entity timestamp is not too old
| | ( Counts [ dataSetRow . getIndex ( ) ] = = dataSetRow . counter ( ) )
| | ( ( Counts [ dataSetRow . getIndex ( ) ] = = dataSetRow . counter ( ) + 1 ) & &
( CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) < OnlineTimestamps [ dataSetRow . getIndex ( ) ] + 15 ) )
| | ( ( ( Counts [ dataSetRow . getIndex ( ) ] = = 1 ) & & ( dataSetRow . counter ( ) = = 255 ) ) & & // 0 is skipped
( CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) < OnlineTimestamps [ dataSetRow . getIndex ( ) ] + 15 ) ) ;
# else
// check if the row has not been reassigned to another entity (but it can have been deleted)
| | ( Counts [ dataSetRow . getIndex ( ) ] = = dataSetRow . counter ( ) )
| | ( Counts [ dataSetRow . getIndex ( ) ] = = dataSetRow . counter ( ) + 1 )
| | ( ( Counts [ dataSetRow . getIndex ( ) ] = = 1 ) & & ( dataSetRow . counter ( ) = = 255 ) ) ; // 0 is skipped
# endif
# endif
/// The entity ids
NLMISC : : CEntityId * EntityIds ;
/// Theses bits tell whether a row is currently bound to an entity or not
uint32 * OnlineBitfieldPt ;
/// Timestamp for entity binding (adding/removing)
NLMISC : : TGameCycle * OnlineTimestamps ;
/// These counters are there to check if we don't forget to remove our row references when entities leave
uint8 * Counts ;
/// These service ids tell which service is responsible for managing each entity.
NLNET : : TServiceId8 * SpawnerServiceIds ;
} ;
* Pointers to entity ids and property values of one container , corresponding to one dataset .
* Data pointed to may be in shared memory .
* Note : of course , pointers can ' t be placed in shared memory .
struct TPropertyContainerHeader
/// Constructor
TPropertyContainerHeader ( ) { }
/// Reset
void init ( TPropertyIndex length )
PropertyValueArrays . resize ( length ) ;
for ( sint i = 0 ; i ! = length ; + + i )
PropertyValueArrays [ i ] . reset ( ) ;
EntityIdArray . reset ( ) ;
/// Array (indexed by TPropertyIndex) of property value arrays (indexed by TDataSetRow)
std : : vector < TPropertyValueArrayHeader > PropertyValueArrays ;
/// Array (indexed by TDataSetRow) of entity ids
TEntityIdArrayHeader EntityIdArray ;
} ;
typedef CHashMap < NLMISC : : CEntityId , TDataSetIndex , NLMISC : : CEntityIdHashMapTraits > TEntityIdToEntityIndexMap ;
# define GET_ENTITY_INDEX(it) ((*it).second)
enum TEntityTrackerIndex { ADDING = 0 , REMOVING = 1 } ;
* Base class for CMirroredDataSet and CDataSetMS .
* \ author Olivier Cado
* \ author Nevrax France
* \ date 2002
class CDataSetBase
public :
/// Constructor
CDataSetBase ( ) ;
/// Initialize
void init ( const NLMISC : : CSheetId & sheetId , const TDataSetSheet & properties ) ;
/// Return the name of the dataset
const std : : string & name ( ) const { return _DataSetName ; }
/// Return the sheet id of the dataset
const NLMISC : : CSheetId & sheetId ( ) const { return _SheetId ; }
/// Return the maximum number of rows (or entities)
TDataSetIndex maxNbRows ( ) const { return _MaxNbRows ; }
/// Return the number of properties in the dataset
TPropertyIndex nbProperties ( ) const { return ( TPropertyIndex ) _PropIndexToType . size ( ) ; }
/// Return the type of the specified property
TTypeOfProp getPropType ( TPropertyIndex propIndex ) const
if ( ( ( uint32 ) propIndex ) < _PropIndexToType . size ( ) )
return _PropIndexToType [ propIndex ] ;
//#ifdef NL_DEBUG
nlwarning ( " MIRROR: getPropType(): Property index outside of dataset " ) ;
return TypeUnknown ;
/// Return the size of a value of the specified property (in bytes)
uint32 getDataSizeOfProp ( TPropertyIndex propIndex ) const
# ifndef FAST_MIRROR
nlassert ( ( uint ) propIndex < ( uint ) nbProperties ( ) ) ;
# endif
return _DataSizeByProp [ propIndex ] ;
// /// Serialize out a datasetrow, depending on the dataset
// void serialOutRow( NLMISC::CMemStream& msgout, const TDataSetRow& entityIndex ) const
// {
// msgout.fastWrite( entityIndex );
// //switch( _SizeOfRow )
// //{
// //case Row32 : msgout.fastWrite( entityIndex ); break;
// //case Row16 : { TDataSetRow16 row16 = (TDataSetRow16)entityIndex.getIndex(); msgout.fastWrite( row16 ); /*nldebug( "Written %hu", row16 );*/ break; }
// //case Row8 : { TDataSetRow8 row8 = (TDataSetRow8)entityIndex.getIndex(); msgout.fastWrite( row8 ); break; }
// //default : ;
// //}
// }
// /// Serialize in a datasetrow, depending on the dataset
// void serialInRow( NLMISC::CMemStream& msgin, TDataSetRow& entityIndex ) const
// {
// msgin.fastRead( entityIndex );
// switch( _SizeOfRow )
// {
// case Row32 : msgin.fastRead( entityIndex ); break;
// case Row16 :
// {
// TDataSetRow16 row16;
// msgin.fastRead( row16 );
// //nldebug( "Read %hu", row16 );
// if ( row16 == (TDataSetRow16)~0 )
// entityIndex = TDataSetRow();
// else
// entityIndex = (TDataSetRow)row16;
// break;
// }
// case Row8 :
// {
// TDataSetRow8 row8;
// msgin.fastRead( row8 );
// if ( row8 == (TDataSetRow8)~0 )
// entityIndex = TDataSetRow();
// else
// entityIndex = (TDataSetRow)row8;
// break;
// }
// //default : ;
// }
// }
// PUBLIC because template friend classes are not supported
/// Return the pointer to the property value
template < class T >
void getPropPointer ( T * * ppt , TPropertyIndex propIndex , const TDataSetRow & entityIndex ) const
# ifndef FAST_MIRROR
nlassert ( ( propIndex ! = INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX ) & & ( propIndex < ( TPropertyIndex ) _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays . size ( ) ) ) ; // Wrong property
nlassert ( _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . Values ) ; // Pointer not initialized
nlassertex ( entityIndex . getIndex ( ) < ( uint32 ) maxNbRows ( ) , ( " E%d " , entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ) ) ; // Wrong entity (including INVALID_ENTITY_INDEX and LAST_CHANGED)
checkTemplateSize ( sizeof ( T ) , propIndex , entityIndex ) ; // Wrong template type
# endif
//nlassertex( isDataSetRowStillValid( entityIndex ), ("E%u GIVEN:%hu_%u REAL:%hu_%u", entityIndex.getIndex(), entityIndex.counter(), CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), _PropertyContainer.EntityIdArray.Counts[entityIndex.getIndex()], _PropertyContainer.EntityIdArray.OnlineTimestamps[entityIndex.getIndex()] ) ); // entity not removed
/*if ( ! isDataSetRowStillValid( entityIndex ) ) // entity not removed
nlwarning ( " isDataSetRowStillValid E%u GIVEN:%hu_%u REAL:%hu_%u " , entityIndex . getIndex ( ) , entityIndex . counter ( ) , CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) , _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . Counts [ entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ] , _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . OnlineTimestamps [ entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ] ) ;
if ( TmpDebugDisplayer )
TmpDebugDisplayer - > write ( NLMISC : : DebugLog ) ;
nlstop ;
} */
# endif
* ppt = & ( ( ( T * ) ( _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . Values ) ) [ entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ] ) ;
// PUBLIC because template friend classes are not supported
/// Return the pointer to the property value
template < class T >
void getPropPointerForList ( TSharedListRow * * ppt , TPropertyIndex propIndex , const TDataSetRow & entityIndex , T * /* typeHint */ ) const
# ifndef FAST_MIRROR
nlassert ( ( propIndex ! = INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX ) & & ( propIndex < ( TPropertyIndex ) _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays . size ( ) ) ) ; // Wrong property
nlassert ( _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . Values ) ; // Pointer not initialized
nlassertex ( entityIndex . getIndex ( ) < ( uint32 ) maxNbRows ( ) , ( " E%d " , entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ) ) ; // Wrong entity (including INVALID_ENTITY_INDEX and LAST_CHANGED)
// Following test commented out, because property actually in row is not the size of the property in list!
checkTemplateSize ( sizeof ( T ) , propIndex , entityIndex ) ; // Wrong template type
# endif
//nlassertex( isDataSetRowStillValid( entityIndex ), ("E%u GIVEN:%hu_%u REAL:%hu_%u", entityIndex.getIndex(), entityIndex.counter(), CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(), _PropertyContainer.EntityIdArray.Counts[entityIndex.getIndex()], _PropertyContainer.EntityIdArray.OnlineTimestamps[entityIndex.getIndex()] ) ); // entity not removed
/*if ( ! isDataSetRowStillValid( entityIndex ) ) // entity not removed
nlwarning ( " isDataSetRowStillValid E%u GIVEN:%hu_%u REAL:%hu_%u " , entityIndex . getIndex ( ) , entityIndex . counter ( ) , CTickEventHandler : : getGameCycle ( ) , _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . Counts [ entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ] , _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . OnlineTimestamps [ entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ] ) ;
if ( TmpDebugDisplayer )
TmpDebugDisplayer - > write ( NLMISC : : DebugLog ) ;
nlstop ;
} */
# endif
* ppt = & ( ( ( TSharedListRow * ) ( _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . Values ) ) [ entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ] ) ;
/// Return false if the row has been invalidated (reassigned)
bool isDataSetRowStillValid ( const TDataSetRow & dataSetRow ) const
return _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . isDataSetRowStillValid ( dataSetRow ) ;
# endif
/// Return the current removal counter of a row
uint8 getBindingCounter ( TDataSetIndex entityIndex ) const
return _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . Counts [ entityIndex ] ;
/// Check that the template argument T passed to CMirrorPropValue<T> has the right size (debug feature)
void checkTemplateSize ( uint32 passedSize , TPropertyIndex propIndex , const TDataSetRow & entityIndex ) const ;
//#ifdef NL_DEBUG
/// Return true if the specified property must be read-only (debug feature)
bool isReadOnly ( TPropertyIndex propIndex ) const
return _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . IsReadOnly ;
/// Return true if the specified property must be monitored (debug feature)
bool isMonitored ( TPropertyIndex propIndex ) const
return _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . IsMonitored ;
/// Return the pointer of the cell container for a list property
void * getListCellContainer ( TPropertyIndex propIndex ) const
# ifndef FAST_MIRROR
nlassert ( ( propIndex ! = INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX ) & & ( propIndex < ( TPropertyIndex ) _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays . size ( ) ) ) ; // Wrong property
# endif
return _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . ListCellContainer ;
/// Return the timestamp of a property
NLMISC : : TGameCycle getChangeTimestamp ( TPropertyIndex propIndex , const TDataSetRow & entityIndex ) const
# ifndef FAST_MIRROR
nlassert ( ( propIndex ! = INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX ) & & ( propIndex < ( TPropertyIndex ) _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays . size ( ) ) ) ; // Wrong property
nlassert ( _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . ChangeTimestamps ) ; // Pointer not initialized
nlassertex ( entityIndex . getIndex ( ) < ( uint32 ) maxNbRows ( ) , ( " E%d " , entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ) ) ; // Wrong entity (including INVALID_ENTITY_INDEX and LAST_CHANGED)
# endif
return _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . ChangeTimestamps [ entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ] ;
/// Return the id of the latest service who changed the property value
NLNET : : TServiceId8 getWriterServiceId ( TPropertyIndex propIndex , const TDataSetRow & entityIndex ) const
# ifndef FAST_MIRROR
nlassert ( ( propIndex ! = INVALID_PROPERTY_INDEX ) & & ( propIndex < ( TPropertyIndex ) _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays . size ( ) ) ) ; // Wrong property
nlassert ( _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . ChangeServiceIds ) ; // Pointer not initialized
nlassertex ( entityIndex . getIndex ( ) < ( uint32 ) maxNbRows ( ) , ( " E%d " , entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ) ) ; // Wrong entity (including INVALID_ENTITY_INDEX and LAST_CHANGED)
# endif
return _PropertyContainer . PropertyValueArrays [ propIndex ] . ChangeServiceIds [ entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ] ;
# endif
/// Return true if the row is still used
bool isOnline ( const TDataSetRow & entityIndex ) const
# ifndef FAST_MIRROR
nlassert ( entityIndex . isValid ( ) ) ;
# endif
return _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . isOnline ( entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ) ;
/// Return the gamecycle of adding or removing
NLMISC : : TGameCycle getOnlineTimestamp ( const TDataSetRow & entityIndex ) const
# ifndef FAST_MIRROR
nlassert ( entityIndex . isValid ( ) ) ;
# endif
return _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . OnlineTimestamps [ entityIndex . getIndex ( ) ] ;
protected :
/** Fill property info.
* When the flag initValues is set :
* If the counts must be initialised from a remote MS , use the vector ptCountsToSet ( it will be read
* then deleted ) and timestamp , otherwise set NULL .
* segmentSize is used only if initValues is true .
* If propName is the special entityId property , the behaviour is different ( propName need not exist )
void setPropertyPointer ( std : : string & propName , TPropertyIndex propIndex , void * segmentPt , bool initValues , uint32 dataTypeSize , bool isReadOnly , bool mustMonitorAssignment , std : : vector < uint8 > * ptCountsToSet = NULL , NLMISC : : TGameCycle timestamp = 0 , uint32 segmentSize = ~ 0 ) ;
/// Get the property index corresponding to the specified property name in the dataset
TPropertyIndex getPropertyIndex ( const std : : string & propName ) const ;
/// Init _DataSizeByProp
void fillDataSizeByProp ( ) ;
/// Return the id of the service who spawned the entity (even after it was despawned, while the row is not reassigned)
NLNET : : TServiceId8 getSpawnerServiceId ( TDataSetIndex entityIndex ) const
return _PropertyContainer . EntityIdArray . SpawnerServiceIds [ entityIndex ] ;
TPropertyContainerHeader _PropertyContainer ;
// Name of the dataset
std : : string _DataSetName ;
// Sheet id of the data
NLMISC : : CSheetId _SheetId ;
/// Maximum number of rows
TDataSetIndex _MaxNbRows ;
// Size of datasetrow needed
//TSizeOfRow _SizeOfRow;
/// Indexed by TPropertyIndex
std : : vector < TTypeOfProp > _PropIndexToType ;
/// Indexed by TPropertyIndex
std : : vector < uint32 > _DataSizeByProp ;
/// Indexed by TPropertyIndex
std : : vector < bool > _PropIsList ;
/// Entity types allowed in this dataset
std : : vector < uint8 > _EntityTypesFilter ;
} ;
* List of entity types accepted in a tracker .
* \ author Olivier Cado
* \ author Nevrax France
* \ date 2004
/*class CEntityTrackerFilter
public :
/// Add an entity type into the list of accepted entity types (no duplicate check)
void addAcceptedEntityType ( uint8 entityType ) { _AcceptedTypes . push_back ( entityType ) ; }
/// Test if an entity type is in the list
void isAccepted ( uint8 entityType ) { return ( find ( _AcceptedTypes . begin ( ) , _AcceptedTypes . end ( ) , entityType ) ! = _AcceptedTypes . end ( ) ) ; }
private :
/// List of types (a vector for fast browsing with a few elements)
std : : vector < uint8 > _AcceptedTypes ;
} ; */
# endif // NL_DATA_SET_BASE_H
/* End of data_set_base.h */