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// NeL - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/nel/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "nel/misc/types_nl.h"
#include "nel/misc/rgba.h"
#include "point_light_influence.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
namespace NLMISC
class CVector;
class CQuat;
class CMatrix;
namespace NL3D
class UInstance;
class UDriver;
/** Callback to know when an instance group begin to be added
struct IIGAddBegin
virtual ~IIGAddBegin() {}
virtual void startAddingIG(uint numInstances) = 0;
/** Callback to know when an instance group is added / removed from the scene.
* NB: This is called after all 'transformName' calls in the ITransformName callback
struct IAddRemoveInstance
virtual ~IAddRemoveInstance() {}
// All instances have been been added to the scene
virtual void instanceGroupAdded() = 0;
// All instances have been removed from the scene
virtual void instanceGroupRemoved() = 0;
* Callback class used at instancegroup loading
* \author Matthieu 'TrapII' Besson
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2002
class ITransformName
virtual ~ITransformName() {}
* transformName is called at the addToScene(Async) moment to transform the name of an
* instance to another name. This should be useful to replace various shapes by others
* like in a shape-template. The function is called with the name of the shape and the
* user must return the new name of the shape.
* NB: This is called after the 'startAddingIG' calls in the IIGAddBegin callback
* \param instanceName is the name of the instance contained in the instance group (user string)
* \param shapeName is the name of the instance contained in the instance group (user string)
* \return the new name of the shape which must be loaded in place of the param
virtual std::string transformName (uint index, const std::string &instanceName, const std::string &shapeName) = 0;
* Game interface for managing group instance.
* \author Cyril 'Hulud' Corvazier
* \author Nevrax France
* \date 2001
class UInstanceGroup
enum TState { StateNotAdded = 0, StateAdding, StateAdded, StateError };
* Instance group
virtual ~UInstanceGroup () {}
* Set up the callback used at loading and instanciating of the instanceGroup
* \param pTN is the transformName class that hold the callback
virtual void setTransformNameCallback (ITransformName *pTN)=0;
/// set a callback to know when an instance has been added / removed from scene
virtual void setAddRemoveInstanceCallback(IAddRemoveInstance *callback) = 0;
/// Set a callback to know when an instance group is being created, and how many instances it contains
virtual void setIGAddBeginCallback(IIGAddBegin *callback) = 0;
* Add all the instances to the scene. By default, freezeHRC() those instances and the root.
* \param scene is the scene in which you want to add the instance group.
* \param driver is a pointer to a driver. If this pointer is not NULL, the textures used by
* the shapes will be preloaded in this driver. If the pointer is NULL (default), textures
* will ve loaded when the shape will be used.
virtual void addToScene (class UScene& scene, UDriver *driver=NULL, uint selectedTexture=0)=0;
virtual void addToSceneAsync (class UScene& scene, UDriver *driver=NULL, uint selectedTexture=0)=0;
virtual void stopAddToSceneAsync ()=0;
virtual TState getAddToSceneState ()=0;
* remove this instance group from the given scene
virtual void removeFromScene(class UScene& scene)=0;
* This is the static function create a stand alone instance group.
static UInstanceGroup *createInstanceGroup (const std::string &instanceGroup);
static void createInstanceGroupAsync (const std::string &instanceGroup, UInstanceGroup **pIG);
static void stopCreateInstanceGroupAsync (UInstanceGroup **pIG);
* Return the count of shape instance in this group.
virtual uint getNumInstance () const=0;
* Return the name of the shape refered by an instance of the group.
* \param instanceNb is the number of the instance.
* \return the name of the shape.
virtual const std::string& getShapeName (uint instanceNb) const=0;
* Return the name of an instance of the group.
* \param instanceNb is the number of the instance.
* \return the name of the instance.
virtual const std::string& getInstanceName (uint instanceNb) const=0;
/** Return the transformation matrix of an instance in the group
* NB no pivot is added
virtual void getInstanceMatrix(uint instanceNb, NLMISC::CMatrix &dest) const = 0;
* Return the position of an instance of the group.
* \param instanceNb is the number of the instance.
* \return the position of the instance.
virtual const NLMISC::CVector& getInstancePos (uint instanceNb) const=0;
* Return the rotation of an instance of the group.
* \param instanceNb is the number of the instance.
* \return the rotation of the instance.
virtual const NLMISC::CQuat& getInstanceRot (uint instanceNb) const=0;
* Return the scale of an instance of the group.
* \param instanceNb is the number of the instance.
* \return the scale of the instance.
virtual const NLMISC::CVector& getInstanceScale (uint instanceNb) const=0;
* Return an instance of the group. The instance lifeTime is the same of the instangeGroup lifeTime
* \param instanceNb is the number of the instance.
virtual UInstance getInstance (uint instanceNb) const=0;
/** get index of instance from its name, or -1 if not found
* NB: lienar search so this is slow
virtual sint getIndexByName(const std::string &name) const = 0;
* Return the instance at a given position (const version)
virtual UInstance getByName (const std::string& name) const=0;
* Control a blendshape
virtual void setBlendShapeFactor (const std::string &bsName, float rFactor)=0;
* Create the link between scene and instance group before the addToScene
* to allow the instance group to be moved without being linked to a father
* cluster system.
virtual void createRoot (class UScene &scene)=0;
* All the instances must be checked against the following cluster system
virtual void setClusterSystemForInstances (class UInstanceGroup *pClusterSystem)=0;
/** Link this ig clusters as sons of clusters of 'ig' that conatains them.
* \return true if the link succeeded
virtual bool linkToParentCluster(UInstanceGroup *father) = 0;
/** return the parent cluster system of this IG. NULL if this is the GlobalInstanceGroup.
* \return true if the link succeeded
virtual UInstanceGroup *getParentCluster() const =0;
* Get all dynamic portals in the instance group
* \return a vector of portal names
virtual void getDynamicPortals (std::vector<std::string> &names)=0;
* Set the state of a dynamic portal
* \param name is the name of the dynamic portal to open or close
* \param opened is the state the portal will have (true=opened, false=closed)
virtual void setDynamicPortal (std::string& name, bool opened)=0;
* Get the state of a dynamic portal
* \return the state (true=opened, false=closed) of a dynamic portal
virtual bool getDynamicPortal (std::string& name)=0;
* Set the position of the instance group
* Take care if the instance group is a cluster system, you must not move it
* outside its father cluster which is assigned at addToScene moment.
virtual void setPos (const NLMISC::CVector &pos)=0;
* Set the rotation of the instance group
virtual void setRotQuat (const NLMISC::CQuat &q)=0;
* Get the position
virtual NLMISC::CVector getPos ()=0;
* Get the rotation
virtual NLMISC::CQuat getRotQuat ()=0;
/// see UTransform::freezeHRC(). Do it for all instances (not clusters), and for the root of the IG.
virtual void freezeHRC()=0;
/// see UTransform::unfreezeHRC(). Do it for all instances (not clusters), and for the root of the IG.
virtual void unfreezeHRC()=0;
/// \name PointLight part
// @{
/** get the StaticLightSetup for a model at position localPos/retrieverIdentifier/surfaceId.
* NB: all are get with help of UGlobalPosition. localPos= gp.LocalPosition.Estimated
* NB: retrieverIdentifier= globalRetriever->getLocalRetrieverId(gp);
virtual bool getStaticLightSetup(NLMISC::CRGBA sunAmbient, uint retrieverIdentifier, sint surfaceId, const NLMISC::CVector &localPos,
std::vector<CPointLightInfluence> &pointLightList, uint8 &sunContribution, NLMISC::CRGBA &localAmbient) =0;
// @}
/// \name Distances
// @{
// set a dist max for the instance
virtual void setDistMax(uint instance, float dist) = 0;
// get the dist max for the instance
virtual float getDistMax(uint instance) const = 0;
// Set the coarse mesh dist for the instance (or -1 to keep default)
virtual void setCoarseMeshDist(uint instance, float dist) = 0;
// Get the coarse mesh dist (-1 if no coarse mesh or if default dist is used)
virtual float getCoarseMeshDist(uint instance) const = 0;
// @}
/// For debug purpose, display clusters as poly/lines. The matrixs and frustum should have been setuped
virtual void displayDebugClusters(UDriver *drv, class UTextContext *txtCtx) = 0;
/** return the DontCastShadowForInterior flag of an instance.
* Warning: if DontCastShadow=true, and DontCastShadowForInterior=false, false is still returned
virtual bool dontCastShadowForInterior(uint instance) const =0;
/** return the DontCastShadowForExterior flag of an instance.
* Warning: if DontCastShadow=true, and DontCastShadowForExterior=false, false is still returned
virtual bool dontCastShadowForExterior(uint instance) const =0;
} // NL3D
/* End of u_instance_group.h */