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// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "fe_receive_task.h"
#include "fe_types.h"
# define NOMINMAX
# include <windows.h>
#elif defined NL_OS_UNIX
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#define WSAGetLastError() 0
using namespace NLMISC;
using namespace NLNET;
volatile uint32 CFEReceiveTask::LastUDPPacketReceived = 0;
* TReceivedMessage
/// Constructor
VAddrFrom.resize( sizeof(sockaddr_in) );
/// Return a vector containing the address info
void TReceivedMessage::addressToVector()
memcpy( &*VAddrFrom.begin(), AddrFrom.sockAddr(), sizeof(sockaddr_in) );
/// Set address with address info from specified vector
void TReceivedMessage::vectorToAddress()
AddrFrom.setSockAddr( (sockaddr_in*)&*VAddrFrom.begin() );
* Constructor (note: called from the main thread)
CFEReceiveTask::CFEReceiveTask( uint16 firstAcceptablePort, uint16 lastAcceptablePort, uint32 msgsize ) :
_WriteQueue( "WriteQueue" ), // value unspecified
_DatagramLength( msgsize ),
_ExitRequired( false ),
_NbRejectedDatagrams( 0 )
// Socket
DataSock = new CUdpSock( false );
nlassert( DataSock );
// Test of multihomed host: bind the first address
/* vector<CInetAddress> addrlist;
addrlist = CInetAddress::localAddresses();
vector<CInetAddress>::iterator ivi;
nlinfo( "Listing local interfaces:" );
for ( ivi=addrlist.begin(); ivi!=addrlist.end(); ++ivi )
nlinfo( "%s", (*ivi).asIPString().c_str() );
addrlist[0].setPort( port );
DataSock->bind( addrlist[0] );
// Bind on all network interfaces (TODO: find a simple way to bind only on the external interface; note: change releaase code for Linux in fe_receive_sub.cpp as well)
uint16 actualPort;
for ( actualPort=firstAcceptablePort; actualPort<=lastAcceptablePort; ++actualPort )
DataSock->bind( actualPort );
catch (const ESocket &e)
nlinfo( "Port %u not available: %s", actualPort, e.what() );
if ( actualPort > lastAcceptablePort )
nlerror( "Could not find an available port between %hu and %hu", firstAcceptablePort, lastAcceptablePort );
nlinfo( "Binding all network interfaces on port %hu (%hu asked)", actualPort, firstAcceptablePort );
* Destructor
nlassert( DataSock != NULL );
delete DataSock;
DataSock = NULL;
* Run
void CFEReceiveTask::run()
uint maxrecvlength = _DatagramLength;
while ( ! _ExitRequired )
static sint32 loopcount = 0;
static TTime lastdisplay = CTime::getLocalTime();
TTime tn = CTime::getLocalTime();
uint32 diff = (uint32)(tn - lastdisplay);
if ( diff > 2000 )
nlinfo("Reads by second: %.1f => LoopTime = %.2f ms LoopCount = %u Diff = %u ms",(float)loopcount * 1000.0f / (float)diff, (float)diff / loopcount, loopcount, diff);
loopcount = 0;
lastdisplay = tn;
// Receive into _ReceivedMessage
_DatagramLength = maxrecvlength;
_ReceivedMessage.resizeData( _DatagramLength );
_ReceivedMessage.setTypeEvent( TReceivedMessage::User );
DataSock->receivedFrom( _ReceivedMessage.userDataW(), _DatagramLength, _ReceivedMessage.AddrFrom );
catch (const ESocket&)
// Remove the client corresponding to the address
_ReceivedMessage.setTypeEvent( TReceivedMessage::RemoveClient );
_DatagramLength = 0;
// update the last datagram receive date
LastUDPPacketReceived = CTime::getSecondsSince1970();
// Check the size. Consider a big size as a hacked message
// if ( _DatagramLength < 512 )
// Push into the write queue
_ReceivedMessage.resizeData( _DatagramLength ); // _DatagramLength was modified by receivedFrom()
CSynchronized<CBufFIFO*>::CAccessor wq( &_WriteQueue );
wq.value()->push( );
wq.value()->push( _ReceivedMessage.VAddrFrom );
// else
// {
// // Reject message
// ++_NbRejectedDatagrams;
// }
nlSleep( 1000 );
nlinfo( "Exiting from front-end receive task" );
* Set new write queue
void CFEReceiveTask::setWriteQueue( CBufFIFO *writequeue )
CSynchronized<CBufFIFO*>::CAccessor wq( &_WriteQueue );
wq.value() = writequeue;