2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
// Ryzom - MMORPG Framework <http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom/>
// Copyright (C) 2010 Winch Gate Property Limited
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "stdpch.h"
#include "prioritizer.h"
#include "vision_array.h"
#include "property_dispatcher.h"
#include "property_id_translator.h"
#include "history.h"
#include "frontend_service.h"
#include "fe_stat.h"
using namespace CLFECOMMON;
/* Threshold for Distance/Delta.
* Delta
* |--------|--------|
* D|L.......H......H/
* i| /
* s| /
* t| /
* a| /
* n| /
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* c|45 /
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* e| /
* |/
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* o
2012-05-29 13:31:11 +00:00
* Observer
* If Delta exceeds Distance/2, the priority shelf (bucket) is the highest one (H)
* Else the shelves cover linearly the length between 0 and Distance/2.
* Note: the highest priority is 0, the lowest is NB_PRIORITIES-1.
const sint RATIO_MAX_THRESHOLD = 2;
// Deprecated
const TCoord CPrioritizer::DeltaMinThreshold = 200; // 20 cm (all smaller deltas will trigger min priority)
const TCoord CPrioritizer::DeltaMaxThreshold = 12000; // 12 m (all higher deltas will trigger max priority)
const TCoord CPrioritizer::DistMinThreshold = 500; // 50 cm (all nearer distances will trigger max priority if moving)
const TCoord CPrioritizer::DistMaxThreshold = 600000; // 600 m (all further distances will trigger min priority)
const TCoord CPrioritizer::MaxDelta = 2000000; // about 2000 m
* Constructor
CPrioritizer::CPrioritizer() :
_PrioStrategy( DistanceDelta ),
_VisionArray( NULL ),
_PropTranslator( NULL ),
_History( NULL )
* Initialization
void CPrioritizer::init( CVisionArray *va,
CPropertyIdTranslator* pt, CHistory *h )
_VisionArray = va;
_PropTranslator = pt;
_History = h;
* Set the priority strategy
/*void CPrioritizer::setPrioStrategy( TPrioStrategy ps )
_PrioStrategy = ps;
switch( _PrioStrategy )
case DistanceOnly:
MaxRatio = (float)DistMaxThreshold;
case DistanceDelta:
MaxRatio = DistMaxThreshold / DeltaMinThreshold; // distance/delta, const max
nlwarning( "Invalid priority strategy set, resetting to DistanceDelta" );
setPrioStrategy( DistanceDelta );
* Calculate the priorities for the current cycle
void CPrioritizer::calculatePriorities()
/*switch( _PrioStrategy )
case DistanceOnly:
case DistanceDelta:*/
/* break;
* Calculate using strategy DistanceOnly
/*void CPrioritizer::calculatePrioDistance()
// Process the pairs selected by the Pair Selector
uint32 uprio; // using uint32 because uint8 can be too short in some cases
const TPairCE *pairCE;
while ( (pairCE = _PairSelector->selectNextPair()) != NULL )
CVisionArray::TVAItem& item = _VisionArray->vaItem( pairCE->ClientId, pairCE->CeId );
// Discard if client has left
if ( item.DistanceCE != DISCARD_PAIR )
// For each property corresponding to the entity type
TPropIndex p;
for ( p=0; p<_PropTranslator->nbProperties( item.EntityIndex ); ++p )
// Calculate priority only if the update status is ToUpdate,
// meaning that a change has not been sent to the client (especially
// for a discreet property ; for a continuous property the status
// is always ToUpdate)
if ( item.Properties[p].UpdateStatus == ToUpdate )
CClientHost *clienthost = CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->clientIdCont()[pairCE->ClientId];
//nlassertex( clienthost, ("c%hu", clientid) );
float hpthreshold = clienthost->PropDispatcher.hpThreshold();
// Clamp distance so that very near entities get the highest priority
if ( (float)(item.DistanceCE) < hpthreshold )
// Linear priority, excluding HIGHEST_PRIORITY
nlassert( MaxRatio > hpthreshold );
uprio = (uint32)((((float)item.DistanceCE-hpthreshold) * (float)(NB_PRIORITIES-2) / (MaxRatio-hpthreshold)) + 1.0f);
nlassert( uprio > HIGHEST_PRIORITY );
// Clamp priority
if ( uprio >= NB_PRIORITIES )
uprio = NB_PRIORITIES - 1;
// Set the priority of the pair
clienthost->PropDispatcher.setPriority( pairCE->CeId, p, _VisionArray->prioLoc( pairCE->ClientId, pairCE->CeId, p ), (TPriority)uprio );
* Calculate position priorities using strategy DistanceDelta
void CPrioritizer::calculatePriorityOfPosition()
if ( PositionSpreader.mustProcessNow() )
DistCntFrame.reset( -1 );
DeltaCntFrame.reset( -1 );
PrioCntFrame.reset( -1 );
THostMap::iterator icm;
sint clientmapindex, outerBoundIndex;
PositionSpreader.getProcessingBounds( icm, clientmapindex, outerBoundIndex );
sint bucket;
while ( clientmapindex < outerBoundIndex )
CClientHost *clienthost = GETCLIENTA(icm);
TVAProp tvaPos = _VisionArray->tvaProp( clienthost->clientId(), PROPERTY_POSITION );
for ( sint e=0; e!=MAX_SEEN_ENTITIES_PER_CLIENT; ++e )
// Calculate priority only if the update status is ToUpdate (even for a continuous prop)
if ( tvaPos[e].PropState.UpdateStatus == ToUpdate )
TEntityIndex entityIndex = _VisionArray->getEntityIndex( clienthost->clientId(), (TCLEntityId)e );
if ( entityIndex.isValid() )
// Get delta
TCoord delta = getDeltaPos( entityIndex, clienthost->clientId(), e );
if ( clienthost->clientId() == 1 )
DistCntFrame.SeenEntities[e] = distanceCE;
DeltaCntFrame.SeenEntities[e] = delta;
// Do not set priority if delta is zero (steady entities...)
if ( delta != 0 )
TCoord distanceCE = _VisionArray->distanceCE( clienthost->clientId(), (TCLEntityId)e );
float prioRatio = (float)distanceCE / (float)delta;
// See explanation of formula on top of this file
if ( prioRatio < RATIO_MAX_THRESHOLD )
bucket = LOWEST_PRIORITY - (sint)((float)(LOWEST_PRIORITY*RATIO_MAX_THRESHOLD) / prioRatio);
if ( clienthost->clientId() == 1 )
PrioCntFrame.SeenEntities[e] = bucket;
// Set the priority of the pair
clienthost->PropDispatcher.setPriority( e, PROPERTY_POSITION, tvaPos[e].PropState, (TPriority)bucket );
/*nlinfo( "FEPRIO: Set cep %hu-%hu-%hu to priority %u",
(uint16)pairCE->ClientId, (uint16)pairCE->CeId, (uint16)p, uprio );*/
PositionSpreader.endProcessing( icm );
DistCntFrame.commit( DistCntClt1 );
DeltaCntFrame.commit( DeltaCntClt1 );
PrioCntFrame.commit( PrioCntClt1 );
* Calculate orientation priorities using strategy DistanceDelta
void CPrioritizer::calculatePriorityOfOrientation()
if ( OrientationSpreader.mustProcessNow() )
THostMap::iterator icm;
sint clientmapindex, outerBoundIndex;
OrientationSpreader.getProcessingBounds( icm, clientmapindex, outerBoundIndex );
sint bucket;
while ( clientmapindex < outerBoundIndex )
CClientHost *clienthost = GETCLIENTA(icm);
TVAProp tvaOrt = _VisionArray->tvaProp( clienthost->clientId(), PROPERTY_ORIENTATION );
for ( sint e=0; e!=MAX_SEEN_ENTITIES_PER_CLIENT; ++e )
// Calculate priority only if the update status is ToUpdate (even for a continuous prop)
if ( tvaOrt[e].PropState.UpdateStatus == ToUpdate )
TEntityIndex entityIndex = _VisionArray->getEntityIndex( clienthost->clientId(), (TCLEntityId)e );
if ( entityIndex.isValid() )
// Get delta
TCoord delta = getDeltaOrientation( entityIndex, clienthost->clientId(), e );
// Do not set priority if delta is zero (steady entities...)
if ( delta != 0 )
TCoord distanceCE = _VisionArray->distanceCE( clienthost->clientId(), (TCLEntityId)e );
float prioRatio = (float)distanceCE / (float)delta;
// See explanation of formula on top of this file
if ( prioRatio < RATIO_MAX_THRESHOLD )
bucket = LOWEST_PRIORITY - (sint)((float)(LOWEST_PRIORITY*RATIO_MAX_THRESHOLD) / prioRatio);
// Set the priority of the pair
clienthost->PropDispatcher.setPriority( e, PROPERTY_ORIENTATION, tvaOrt[e].PropState, (TPriority)bucket );
/*nlinfo( "FEPRIO: Set cep %hu-%hu-%hu to priority %u",
(uint16)pairCE->ClientId, (uint16)pairCE->CeId, (uint16)p, uprio );*/
OrientationSpreader.endProcessing( icm );
* Calculate discreet props priorities using distance threshold
void CPrioritizer::calculatePriorityOfDiscreet()
if ( DiscreetSpreader.mustProcessNow() )
THostMap::iterator icm;
sint clientmapindex, outerBoundIndex;
DiscreetSpreader.getProcessingBounds( icm, clientmapindex, outerBoundIndex );
sint bucket;
while ( clientmapindex < outerBoundIndex )
CClientHost *clienthost = GETCLIENTA(icm);
for ( sint e=0; e!=MAX_SEEN_ENTITIES_PER_CLIENT; ++e )
TEntityIndex entityIndex = _VisionArray->getEntityIndex( clienthost->clientId(), (TCLEntityId)e );
if ( entityIndex.isValid() )
TCoord distanceCE = _VisionArray->distanceCE( clienthost->clientId(), (TCLEntityId)e );
// For each discreet property corresponding to the entity type
for ( sint p=FIRST_DISCREET_PROPINDEX; p<_PropTranslator->nbProperties( entityIndex ); ++p )
// Calculate priority only if the update status is ToUpdate,
// meaning that a change has not been sent to the client
if ( _VisionArray->tvaProp( clienthost->clientId(), p )[e].PropState.UpdateStatus == ToUpdate )
// Get TProperty from TPropIndex
TProperty propertyid = _PropTranslator->getPropertyId( entityIndex, p );
if ( distanceCE < _PropTranslator->getDistThreshold( propertyid ) )
// Set the priority of the pair
clienthost->PropDispatcher.setPriority( e, p, _VisionArray->prioLoc( clienthost->clientId(), e, p ), (TPriority)bucket );
//nlinfo( "FEPRIO: Set cep %hu-%hu-%hu to priority %u",
// (uint16)pairCE->ClientId, (uint16)pairCE->CeId, (uint16)p, uprio );
DiscreetSpreader.endProcessing( icm );
bool TraceDelta = true;
* Return the delta corresponding to a property
inline TCoord CPrioritizer::getDeltaPos( TEntityIndex entityindex, TClientId clientid, TCLEntityId ceid )
// Position special case
uint32 lastSentMileage = _History->getMileage( clientid, ceid );
if ( lastSentMileage != 0 )
CFrontEndPropertyReceiver::SEntity *entity = CFrontEndPropertyReceiver::getEntity( entityindex );
// Calculate difference distance between current and lastsent mileage (unsigned to allow mileage overflow)
uint32 d = (entity->Mileage - lastSentMileage);//(uint32)frand(100000.0);
// Ignore not significant deltas (maybe not needed anymore with integer calculation)
if ( d < 5 )
//nlinfo( "Low position delta = %u", d );
return 0;
/*if ( TraceDelta )
nlinfo( "%d", d );*/
return (TCoord)d;
// Not sent yet, set max delta
//nlinfo( "FEPRIO: getDelta(position) : first time" );
return MaxDelta;
//nlinfo( "Delta: %.2f (current: %s last: %s)", delta, current_entitypos.asString().c_str(), lastsent_entitypos.asString().c_str() );
inline TCoord CPrioritizer::getDeltaOrientation( TEntityIndex entityindex, TClientId clientid, TCLEntityId ceid )
bool histohasvalue;
const CFrontEndPropertyReceiver::TPropertiesValue current_value = CFrontEndPropertyReceiver::getEntity( entityindex )->properties[PROPERTY_ORIENTATION];
const CFrontEndPropertyReceiver::TPropertiesValue& lastsent_value = _History->getPropertyEntry( clientid, ceid, PROPERTY_ORIENTATION, histohasvalue ).LastSent;
if ( histohasvalue )
// Orientation is a float angle in radian
const float& newangle = *((float*)¤t_value);//frand(6.28);
const float& oldangle = *((float*)&lastsent_value);
float deltaAngle = (float)fabs( (float)(newangle - oldangle) );
deltaAngle = (float)fmod( deltaAngle+(2*Pi), (2*Pi) );
// Delta=1 m corresponds to Pi
//nlinfo( "getDelta(theta) : dA=%g", deltaAngle );
if ( deltaAngle > Pi )
return (TCoord)(2000.0f - (deltaAngle * 1000.0f / Pi));
return (TCoord)(deltaAngle * 1000.0f / Pi);
// Not sent yet, set max delta
return MaxDelta;
NLMISC_COMMAND( forcePriority, "Force a priority", "<clientid> <slot> <propindex> <priority>" )
// check args, if there s not the right number of parameter, return bad
if(args.size() != 4) return false;
// get the values
TClientId clientid = atoi(args[0].c_str());
sint slot = atoi(args[1].c_str());
TPropIndex propindex = atoi(args[2].c_str());
TPriority priority = atoi(args[3].c_str());
if ( (clientid <= MaxNbClients) && (slot < MAX_SEEN_ENTITIES_PER_CLIENT) && (propindex < NB_VISUAL_PROPERTIES/*16*/) && ( priority < NB_PRIORITIES ) )
CClientHost *clienthost = CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->clientIdCont()[clientid];
//nlassertex( clienthost, ("c%hu", clientid) );
clienthost->PropDispatcher.setPriority( slot, propindex, CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionArray.prioLoc( clientid, slot, propindex ), priority );
log.displayNL( "Invalid argument value(s)" );
return true;
/*NLMISC_COMMAND( setPriorityStrategy, "Change the priority strategy, distance-delta or distance only", "<strategy>1/0" )
// check args, if there s not the right number of parameter, return bad
if(args.size() != 1) return false;
// get the values
sint strat = atoi(args[0].c_str());
switch( strat )
case 0: CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.setPrioStrategy( CPrioritizer::DistanceOnly ); break;
case 1: CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.setPrioStrategy( CPrioritizer::DistanceDelta ); break;
default: return false;
THostMap::iterator ihm;
for ( ihm=CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().begin(); ihm!=CFrontEndService::instance()->receiveSub()->clientMap().end(); ++ihm )
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( getPriorityStrategy, "Get the priority strategy", "" )
switch( CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.prioStrategy() )
case CPrioritizer::DistanceOnly: log.displayNL( "Distance only" ); break;
case CPrioritizer::DistanceDelta: log.displayNL( "Distance-delta" ); break;
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( getPriorityThresholds, "Get the threshold constants", "" )
log.displayNL( "MinDelta=%d MaxDelta=%d MinDist=%d MaxDist=%d",
CPrioritizer::DeltaMinThreshold, CPrioritizer::DeltaMaxThreshold,
CPrioritizer::DistMinThreshold, CPrioritizer::DistMaxThreshold );
return true;
NLMISC_COMMAND( getDelta, "Get the delta for a priority", "<client> <slot> <propindex>" )
// check args, if there s not the right number of parameter, return bad
if(args.size() != 3) return false;
// get the values
TClientId clientid = atoi(args[0].c_str());
sint slot = atoi(args[1].c_str());
TPropIndex propindex = atoi(args[2].c_str());
if ( (clientid <= MaxNbClients) && (CFrontEndService::instance()->sendSub()->clientIdCont()[clientid] != NULL) )
TEntityIndex entityindex = CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.VisionArray.getEntityIndex( clientid, (TCLEntityId)slot );
if ( propindex > 15 )
return false;
TProperty propertyid = CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.PropTranslator.getPropertyId( entityindex, propindex );
if ( propertyid == PROPERTY_POSITION )
log.displayNL( "%d", CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.getDeltaPos( entityindex, clientid, (TCLEntityId)slot ) );
else if ( propertyid == PROPERTY_ORIENTATION )
log.displayNL( "%d", CFrontEndService::instance()->PrioSub.Prioritizer.getDeltaOrientation( entityindex, clientid, (TCLEntityId)slot ) );
log.displayNL( "Invalid property id" );
log.displayNL( "Invalid slot" );
log.displayNL( "There is no such a client id" );
return true;
/*NLMISC_COMMAND( delta, "Trace delta", "0/1" )
if ( args.size() == 0 )
return false;
TraceDelta = ( atoi(args[0].c_str()) == 1 );
return true;