-- In this file we define functions that serves for player windows function getDbPropU(dbEntry) value = getDbProp(dbEntry) if (value < 0) then value = 4294967296+value end return value end if string.find(_VERSION, "Lua 5.0") then function math.fmod(a, b) return math.mod(a, b) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- create the game namespace without reseting if already created in an other file. if (game==nil) then game= {}; end if (game.PVP == nil) then game.PVP = {}; game.PVP.tagStartTimer = 0; game.PVP.flagStartTimer = 0; game.PVP.tagTimerStarted = false; game.PVP.flagTimerStarted = false; end if (game.BonusMalus == nil) then game.BonusMalus = {}; game.BonusMalus.DeathPenaltyBefore = -1; game.BonusMalus.DeathPenaltyAfter = -1; game.BonusMalus.XPCatSlotBefore = -1; game.BonusMalus.XPCatSlotAfter = -1; game.BonusMalus.RingXPCatSlotBefore = -1; game.BonusMalus.RingXPCatSlotAfter = -1; game.BonusMalus.OutpostSlotBefore = -1; game.BonusMalus.OutpostSlotAfter = -1; game.BonusMalus.BonusAHList= {}; game.BonusMalus.MalusAHList= {}; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Update player bars in function of what we wants to display (we can hide each one of the 3 bars : sap,stamina and focus) function game:updatePlayerBars() local dispChaScore3 = getDbProp('UI:SAVE:PLAYER:DISP_ChaScore3'); local dispChaScore2 = getDbProp('UI:SAVE:PLAYER:DISP_ChaScore2'); local dispChaScore4 = getDbProp('UI:SAVE:PLAYER:DISP_ChaScore4'); local ui = getUI('ui:interface:player:content'); -- active ui in function of what is displayed ui.b_ChaScore3.active = (dispChaScore3 == 1); ui.jChaScore3.active = (dispChaScore3 == 1); ui.b_ChaScore2.active = (dispChaScore2 == 1); ui.jChaScore2.active = (dispChaScore2 == 1); ui.b_ChaScore4.active = (dispChaScore4 == 1); ui.jChaScore4.active = (dispChaScore4 == 1); -- choose good y-position local totalBarDisp = dispSap + dispSta + dispFoc; if (totalBarDisp == 3) then ui.b_ChaScore3.y = -20; ui.b_ChaScore2.y = -35; ui.b_ChaScore4.y = -50; ui.current_action.y = -65; elseif (totalBarDisp == 2) then if (dispChaScore3 == 0) then ui.b_ChaScore2.y = -20; ui.b_ChaScore4.y = -35; end if (dispChaScore2 == 0) then ui.b_ChaScore3.y = -20; ui.b_foc.y = -35; end if (dispChaScore4 == 0) then ui.b_ChaScore3.y = -20; ui.b_ChaScore2.y = -35; end ui.current_action.y = -50; elseif (totalBarDisp == 1) then ui.b_ChaScore2.y = -20; ui.b_ChaScore4.y = -20; ui.b_ChaScore2.y = -20; ui.current_action.y = -35; else ui.current_action.y = -20; end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- convert a boolean to a number 0 or 1 function booleanToNumber(thebool) if(thebool) then return 1; else return 0; end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Update player pvp tag function game:pvpTagUpdateDisplay() local currentServerTick = getDbPropU('UI:VARIABLES:CURRENT_SERVER_TICK'); local pvpServerTagTimer = getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_FACTION_TAG:ACTIVATION_TIME'); local pvpServerFlagTimer = getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_FACTION_TAG:FLAG_PVP_TIME_LEFT'); local uiPlayer= getUI('ui:interface:player:header_opened'); -- get the current state local pvpServerFlag= pvpServerFlagTimer > currentServerTick; local pvpLocalTag= (getDbProp('UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:TAG_PVP') == 1); local pvpServerTag= (getDbProp('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_FACTION_TAG:TAG_PVP') == 1); local pvpServerActivateTimerOn= pvpServerTagTimer > currentServerTick; -- deduce the display state according to the current state local GREEN= 0; local ORANGE= 1; local RED= 2; local buttonMode= GREEN; local buttonPushed= false; local buttonTimer= false; -- if the flag is activated, then must display PVP flag button and timer if (pvpServerFlag) then -- ** RED MODE buttonMode= RED; buttonPushed= false; buttonTimer= true; -- else must display correct mode according to the TAG state else -- There are 8 possibilities according to the combination of the 3 flags -- Here: TL= pvpLocalTag, TS= pvpServerTag, AS= pvpServerActivateTimerOn) -- TL TS AS -- ** GREEN MODE ** -- 0 0 0 -> Standard disabled PVP -- 1 0 0 -> The user pressed the button but still no response from server -- 1 1 1 -> The user pressed the button and got response from server. => GREEN icon with timer -- 0 1 1 -> The user canceled the activation (server not acked yet the cancel). => default display -- ** ORANGE MODE ** -- 1 1 0 -> Standard enabled PVP -- 0 1 0 -> The user pressed the button but still no response from server -- 0 0 1 -> The user pressed the button and got response from server. => ORANGE icon with timer -- 1 0 1 -> The user canceled the activation (server not acked yet the cancel). => default display -- From this table, we can deduce the following rules -- buttonMode is GREEN when TS==AS if( pvpServerTag == pvpServerActivateTimerOn ) then buttonMode= GREEN; else buttonMode= ORANGE; end -- the button is pushed if (there is a timer and TL==TS), or (no timer and TL!=TS) if( pvpServerActivateTimerOn == (pvpLocalTag == pvpServerTag) ) then buttonPushed= true; else buttonPushed= false; end -- display a timer only if the timer is activated and server and local tag are equals if( pvpServerActivateTimerOn and pvpLocalTag == pvpServerTag ) then buttonTimer= true; else buttonTimer= false; end end -- setup the local display setDbProp("UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:DSP_MODE", buttonMode); setDbProp("UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:DSP_PUSHED", booleanToNumber(buttonPushed)); setDbProp("UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:DSP_TIMER", booleanToNumber(buttonTimer)); -- setup the timer bar if(buttonTimer) then local uiBar = uiPlayer.pvp_timer; local uiBarBg = uiPlayer.pvp_timer_bg; -- Flag Bar? if(buttonMode==RED) then -- display a reverse timer uiBar.w = uiBarBg.w * (pvpServerFlagTimer - currentServerTick) / (pvpServerFlagTimer - game.PVP.flagStartTimer); else -- display a forward timer uiBar.w = uiBarBg.w * (currentServerTick - game.PVP.tagStartTimer) / (pvpServerTagTimer - game.PVP.tagStartTimer); end end -- force update of the tooltip for any button (by disabling then reenabling) disableContextHelpForControl(uiPlayer.pvp_tag_button_0); disableContextHelpForControl(uiPlayer.pvp_tag_button_1); disableContextHelpForControl(uiPlayer.pvp_tag_button_2); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Update player pvp tag function game:pvpTag() local buttonStat = getDbProp('UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:TAG_PVP'); if (buttonStat == 0) then setDbProp('UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:TAG_PVP',1); else setDbProp('UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:TAG_PVP',0); end sendMsgToServerPvpTag(buttonStat == 0); -- update display self:pvpTagUpdateDisplay(); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Update button due to server validation function game:updatePvpTag() -- force copy to temp of Server tag local pvpServerTag= (getDbProp('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_FACTION_TAG:TAG_PVP') == 1); setDbProp('UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:TAG_PVP', booleanToNumber(pvpServerTag)); -- launch timer DB if necessary local currentServerTick = getDbPropU('UI:VARIABLES:CURRENT_SERVER_TICK'); local pvpServerTagTimer = getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_FACTION_TAG:ACTIVATION_TIME'); local pvpServerFlagTimer = getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_FACTION_TAG:FLAG_PVP_TIME_LEFT'); if(pvpServerTagTimer > currentServerTick) or (pvpServerFlagTimer > currentServerTick) then local ui = getUI('ui:interface:player'); addOnDbChange(ui,'@UI:VARIABLES:CURRENT_SERVER_TICK', 'game:updatePvpTimer()'); if(pvpServerTagTimer > currentServerTick and game.PVP.tagTimerStarted == false) then game.PVP.tagStartTimer = currentServerTick; game.PVP.tagTimerStarted = true; end if(pvpServerFlagTimer > currentServerTick and game.PVP.flagTimerStarted == false) then game.PVP.flagStartTimer = currentServerTick; game.PVP.flagTimerStarted = true; end end -- update display (after start timer reseted) self:pvpTagUpdateDisplay(); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:updatePvpTimer() -- update display self:pvpTagUpdateDisplay(); -- try to stop local currentServerTick = getDbPropU('UI:VARIABLES:CURRENT_SERVER_TICK'); local pvpServerTagTimer = getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_FACTION_TAG:ACTIVATION_TIME'); local pvpServerFlagTimer = getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_FACTION_TAG:FLAG_PVP_TIME_LEFT'); -- Manage Tag Timer display if(pvpServerTagTimer <= currentServerTick) then game.PVP.tagTimerStarted = false; end -- Manage Flag Timer display if(pvpServerFlagTimer <= currentServerTick) then game.PVP.flagTimerStarted = false; end -- if both off, stop the db update if(game.PVP.tagTimerStarted == false) and (game.PVP.flagTimerStarted == false) then removeOnDbChange(getUI('ui:interface:player'),'@UI:VARIABLES:CURRENT_SERVER_TICK'); end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:formatTime(temps) local hours = math.floor(temps/(10*60*60)); local minutes = math.floor((temps - (hours*10*60*60)) / (10*60)); local seconds = math.floor((temps - (hours*10*60*60) - (minutes*10*60)) / 10); local fmt = i18n.get('uittPvPTime'); fmt = findReplaceAll(fmt, '%h', tostring(hours)); fmt = findReplaceAll(fmt, '%m', tostring(minutes)); fmt = findReplaceAll(fmt, '%s', tostring(seconds)); return fmt; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:playerTTPvp() -- The tooltip to display depends on the current display state local buttonMode= getDbProp("UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:DSP_MODE"); local buttonPushed= (getDbProp("UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:DSP_PUSHED")==1); local buttonTimer= (getDbProp("UI:TEMP:PVP_FACTION:DSP_TIMER")==1); local text; -- Flag mode? if(buttonMode==2) then local pvpServerFlagTimer = getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_FACTION_TAG:FLAG_PVP_TIME_LEFT'); local currentServerTick = getDbPropU('UI:VARIABLES:CURRENT_SERVER_TICK'); local tempsString = game:formatTime( pvpServerFlagTimer - currentServerTick ); text = i18n.get('uittPvPModeFlag'); text = findReplaceAll(text, '%temps', tempsString); -- Tag mode else -- base text if(buttonMode==0 and not(buttonPushed)) then text = i18n.get('uittPvPModeTagOff'); elseif(buttonMode==0 and buttonPushed) then text = i18n.get('uittPvPModeTagOffChange'); elseif(buttonMode==1 and not(buttonPushed)) then text = i18n.get('uittPvPModeTagOn'); elseif(buttonMode==1 and buttonPushed) then text = i18n.get('uittPvPModeTagOnChange'); else text = ucstring(); end -- timer if(buttonTimer) then local pvpServerTagTimer = getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_FACTION_TAG:ACTIVATION_TIME'); local currentServerTick = getDbPropU('UI:VARIABLES:CURRENT_SERVER_TICK'); local tempsString = game:formatTime( pvpServerTagTimer - currentServerTick ); local timeFmt= i18n.get('uittPvPTagTimer'); timeFmt= findReplaceAll(timeFmt, '%temps', tempsString); text= concatUCString(text, timeFmt); end end -- set the text setContextHelpText(text); end -- *************************************************************************** -- *************************************************************************** -- BONUS MALUS -- *************************************************************************** -- *************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function game:bonusMalusActiveText(ui, slot, state) local uiTextGroup= ui["text" .. tostring(slot) ]; if(uiTextGroup) then uiTextGroup.active= state; end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function game:bonusMalusSetText(ui, slot, fmt) local uiTextGroup= ui["text" .. tostring(slot) ]; if(uiTextGroup) then uiTextGroup.shade0.uc_hardtext_format= fmt; uiTextGroup.shade1.uc_hardtext_format= fmt; uiTextGroup.shade2.uc_hardtext_format= fmt; uiTextGroup.shade3.uc_hardtext_format= fmt; uiTextGroup.text.uc_hardtext_format= fmt; uiTextGroup.text2.uc_hardtext_format= fmt; end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- From given DB vals, compute the 'Xp Bonus' text info function game:updateXpCatQuantity(textSlot, ui) -- get the ui text to fill if(ui==nil) then ui= getUICaller(); end -- format the text local fmt= "x@{FF6F}" .. tostring( getDbProp("SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:XP_CATALYSER:Count") ); self:bonusMalusSetText(ui, textSlot, fmt); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- From given DB vals, compute the 'Ring Xp Bonus' text info function game:updateRingXpCatQuantity(textSlot, ui) -- get the ui text to fill if(ui==nil) then ui= getUICaller(); end -- format the text local fmt= "x@{FF6F}" .. tostring( getDbProp("SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:RING_XP_CATALYSER:Count") ); self:bonusMalusSetText(ui, textSlot, fmt); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function game:outpostUpdatePVPTimer(textSlot, ui) -- get the ui text to fill if(ui==nil) then ui= getUICaller(); end -- Get the timer of interest (priority to player leaving the zone) local endTimer= 0; local endOfPvpTimer= getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_OUTPOST:FLAG_PVP_TIME_END'); if( endOfPvpTimer>0 ) then endTimer= endOfPvpTimer; else local endOfRound= getDbProp('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_OUTPOST:ROUND_END_DATE'); if( endOfRound>0 ) then endTimer= endOfRound; end end -- Use a text with a timer? if( endTimer>0 ) then -- compute the time that lefts in sec (suppose a smooth server tick is 1 ms) local curTick= getDbPropU('UI:VARIABLES:CURRENT_SERVER_TICK'); local timeSec= (endTimer- curTick)/10; -- replace in str local text= "@{FF6F}" .. runFct('secondsToTimeStringShort', timeSec); self:bonusMalusSetText(ui, textSlot, text); -- else Default display else self:bonusMalusSetText(ui, textSlot, "@{FF6F}on"); end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function game:deathPenaltyUpdateXPMalus() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called when someone click on a bonus malus icon. redirect to correct action handler if any function game:onLeftClickBonus() local ui= getUICaller(); local id= getIndexInDB(ui); local ah= self.BonusMalus.BonusAHList[id]; if(ui and ah) then runAH(ui, ah, ""); end end function game:onLeftClickMalus() local ui= getUICaller(); local id= getIndexInDB(ui); local ah= self.BonusMalus.MalusAHList[id]; if(ui and ah) then runAH(ui, ah, ""); end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- update if needed the ActionHandler and text update from DB function game:updateBonusMalusTextSetup() local numLocalBonusMalus= getDefine("num_local_bonus_malus"); local uiBonus= getUI('ui:interface:bonus_malus:header_opened:bonus'); local uiMalus= getUI('ui:interface:bonus_malus:header_opened:malus'); local dbXpCat= "@SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:XP_CATALYSER:Count"; local dbRingXpCat= "@SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:RING_XP_CATALYSER:Count"; local dbOutpost= "@SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_OUTPOST, @UI:VARIABLES:CURRENT_SERVER_TICK"; local dbDeathPenalty= "@SERVER:USER:DEATH_XP_MALUS"; -- reset cache self.BonusMalus.DeathPenaltyBefore= self.BonusMalus.DeathPenaltyAfter; self.BonusMalus.XPCatSlotBefore= self.BonusMalus.XPCatSlotAfter; self.BonusMalus.RingXPCatSlotBefore= self.BonusMalus.RingXPCatSlotAfter; self.BonusMalus.OutpostSlotBefore= self.BonusMalus.OutpostSlotAfter; -- *** remove and hide any preceding for i= 0,numLocalBonusMalus-1 do -- reset AH self.BonusMalus.BonusAHList[i]= nil; self.BonusMalus.MalusAHList[i]= nil; -- hide text view self:bonusMalusActiveText(uiBonus, i, false); -- reset special tooltip setDbProp( formatUI('UI:VARIABLES:BONUS:#1:SPECIAL_TOOLTIP', i), game.TBonusMalusSpecialTT.None); end removeOnDbChange(uiBonus, dbXpCat); removeOnDbChange(uiBonus, dbRingXpCat); removeOnDbChange(uiBonus, dbOutpost); -- *** set new XPCat setup local slot= self.BonusMalus.XPCatSlotAfter; if(slot~=-1) then -- set AH to use for this slot self.BonusMalus.BonusAHList[slot]= "xp_catalyser_stop_use"; -- add DB change, and call now! else not updated addOnDbChange(uiBonus, dbXpCat, formatUI("game:updateXpCatQuantity(#1, nil)", slot) ); self:updateXpCatQuantity(slot, uiBonus); -- show text self:bonusMalusActiveText(uiBonus, slot, true); -- set special tooltip (id==1 for xpcat) setDbProp( formatUI('UI:VARIABLES:BONUS:#1:SPECIAL_TOOLTIP', slot), game.TBonusMalusSpecialTT.XpCatalyser); end -- *** set new RingXPCat setup local slot= self.BonusMalus.RingXPCatSlotAfter; if(slot~=-1) then -- set AH to use for this slot self.BonusMalus.BonusAHList[slot]= "ring_xp_catalyser_stop_use"; -- add DB change, and call now! else not updated addOnDbChange(uiBonus, dbRingXpCat, formatUI("game:updateRingXpCatQuantity(#1, nil)", slot) ); self:updateRingXpCatQuantity(slot, uiBonus); -- show text self:bonusMalusActiveText(uiBonus, slot, true); -- set special tooltip (id==1 for ringxpcat) setDbProp( formatUI('UI:VARIABLES:BONUS:#1:SPECIAL_TOOLTIP', slot), game.TBonusMalusSpecialTT.XpCatalyser); end -- *** set new Outpost setup local slot= self.BonusMalus.OutpostSlotAfter; if(slot~=-1) then -- no AH -- add DB change, and call now! else not updated addOnDbChange(uiBonus, dbOutpost, formatUI("game:outpostUpdatePVPTimer(#1, nil)", slot) ); self:outpostUpdatePVPTimer(slot, uiBonus); -- show text self:bonusMalusActiveText(uiBonus, slot, true); -- don't set the tooltip here, because redone after return end -- *** set new DeathPenalty setup local slot= self.BonusMalus.DeathPenaltyAfter; if(slot~=-1) then -- no AH -- add DB change, and call now! else not updated addOnDbChange(uiMalus, dbDeathPenalty, formatUI("game:deathPenaltyUpdateXPMalus(#1, nil)", slot) ); self:deathPenaltyUpdateXPMalus(slot, uiMalus); -- show text self:bonusMalusActiveText(uiMalus, slot, true); -- set special tooltip (id==1 for death penalty) setDbProp( formatUI('UI:VARIABLES:MALUS:#1:SPECIAL_TOOLTIP', slot), game.TBonusMalusSpecialTT.DeathPenalty); end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Update Bonus malus local DB according to server DB function game:updatePlayerBonusMalus() local numServerBonusMalus= tonumber(getDefine("num_server_bonus_malus")); local numLocalBonusMalus= tonumber(getDefine("num_local_bonus_malus")); local dbServerBonusBase= getDefine("bonus") .. ":" ; local dbServerMalusBase= getDefine("malus") .. ":" ; local dbLocalBonusBase= "UI:VARIABLES:BONUS:"; local dbLocalMalusBase= "UI:VARIABLES:MALUS:"; local i; local mustUpdateTextSetup= false; -- *********************** -- *** Insert Bonus -- *********************** local destIndex= 0; local mustShowBonus= false; -- *** Insert XPCatalyzer first local xpcatCount= getDbProp("SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:XP_CATALYSER:Count"); if(xpcatCount~=0) then local xpcatLevel= getDbProp("SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:XP_CATALYSER:Level"); -- Get the most appropriate icon local iconLevel= 50; for i= 50,250,50 do if(i<=xpcatLevel) then iconLevel= i; end end -- Set the DB for this brick mustShowBonus= true; setDbProp(dbLocalBonusBase .. tostring(destIndex) .. ":SHEET", getSheetId('big_xpcat_' .. tostring(iconLevel) .. '.sbrick' ) ); setDbProp(dbLocalBonusBase .. tostring(destIndex) .. ":DISABLED", 0 ); self.BonusMalus.XPCatSlotAfter = destIndex; destIndex= destIndex+1; else self.BonusMalus.XPCatSlotAfter = -1; end if(self.BonusMalus.XPCatSlotAfter ~= self.BonusMalus.XPCatSlotBefore) then mustUpdateTextSetup= true; end -- *** Then insert RingXPCatalyzer local ringxpcatCount= getDbProp("SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:RING_XP_CATALYSER:Count"); if(ringxpcatCount~=0) then local ringxpcatLevel= getDbProp("SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:RING_XP_CATALYSER:Level"); -- Get the most appropriate icon local iconLevel= 50; for i= 50,250,50 do if(i<=ringxpcatLevel) then iconLevel= i; end end -- Set the DB for this brick mustShowBonus= true; setDbProp(dbLocalBonusBase .. tostring(destIndex) .. ":SHEET", getSheetId('big_ring_xpcat_' .. tostring(iconLevel) .. '.sbrick' ) ); setDbProp(dbLocalBonusBase .. tostring(destIndex) .. ":DISABLED", 0 ); self.BonusMalus.RingXPCatSlotAfter = destIndex; destIndex= destIndex+1; else self.BonusMalus.RingXPCatSlotAfter = -1; end if(self.BonusMalus.RingXPCatSlotAfter ~= self.BonusMalus.RingXPCatSlotBefore) then mustUpdateTextSetup= true; end -- *** Insert PVPOutpost local pvpOutpostPresent= getDbProp("SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_OUTPOST:FLAG_PVP"); local pvpOutpostEndOfPVPFlag= 0; local pvpOutpostEndOfRound= 0; if(pvpOutpostPresent~=0) then local pvpOutpostLevel= 0; pvpOutpostEndOfPVPFlag= getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_OUTPOST:FLAG_PVP_TIME_END'); pvpOutpostEndOfRound= getDbPropU('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_OUTPOST:ROUND_END_DATE'); -- set a level only if we have some round, and if the out timer is not set if(pvpOutpostEndOfRound~=0 and pvpOutpostEndOfPVPFlag==0) then pvpOutpostLevel= 1 + getDbProp('SERVER:CHARACTER_INFO:PVP_OUTPOST:ROUND_LVL_CUR'); end -- Set the DB for this brick mustShowBonus= true; setDbProp(dbLocalBonusBase .. tostring(destIndex) .. ":SHEET", getSheetId('big_outpost_pvp_' .. tostring(pvpOutpostLevel) .. '.sbrick' ) ); setDbProp(dbLocalBonusBase .. tostring(destIndex) .. ":DISABLED", 0 ); self.BonusMalus.OutpostSlotAfter = destIndex; destIndex= destIndex+1; else self.BonusMalus.OutpostSlotAfter = -1; end if(self.BonusMalus.OutpostSlotAfter ~= self.BonusMalus.OutpostSlotBefore) then mustUpdateTextSetup= true; end -- *** Insert standard Bonus for i=0,numServerBonusMalus-1 do -- get local sheet= getDbProp(dbServerBonusBase .. tostring(i) .. ":SHEET" ); local disabled= getDbProp(dbServerBonusBase .. tostring(i) .. ":DISABLED" ); if(sheet~=0) then mustShowBonus= true; end -- copy (to index shifted if needed) setDbProp(dbLocalBonusBase .. tostring(destIndex) .. ":SHEET", sheet ); setDbProp(dbLocalBonusBase .. tostring(destIndex) .. ":DISABLED", disabled ); destIndex= destIndex+1; end if(mustShowBonus) then setDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SHOW_BONUS", 1); else setDbProp("UI:VARIABLES:SHOW_BONUS", 0); end -- *** erase any remaining bonus while destIndex 0 then result = concatUCString(tostring(seconds), i18n.get("uittSecondsShort")) end if minutes > 0 then result = concatUCString(tostring(minutes), i18n.get("uittMinutesShort"), result) end if hours > 0 then result = concatUCString(tostring(hours), i18n.get("uittHoursShort"), result) end return result end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- display the time left for a power / auras in its tooltip function game:setPhraseTooltipPowerRegenTime(ttWin, regenTimeInTicks) local text = ttWin:find("regen_time") if regenTimeInTicks == 0 then text.active = false else text.active = true text.uc_hardtext_single_line_format = concatUCString(i18n.get("uittRegenTime"), game:timeInSecondsToReadableTime(math.floor((regenTimeInTicks + 9) * 0.1))) text:invalidateCoords() ttWin:invalidateCoords() end end local EmptyUCString = ucstring() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called by C++ code when the tooltip of a phrase is about to be displayed function game:updatePhraseTooltip(phrase) LastTooltipPhrase = phrase local ttWin = getUI("ui:interface:action_context_help") local text = phrase:getName() if not text or text == EmptyUCString then text = ucstring("") end local desc = phrase:getDesc() if desc and desc ~= EmptyUCString then local str = tostring(desc) local charFound = false for k = 1, string.len(str) do if string.byte(str, k) ~= 32 then charFound = true break end end if charFound then text = concatUCString(text, "\n@{CCCF}", desc) end else text = concatUCString(text, "@{CCCF}") end -- IMPORTANT : the following getters on 'phrase' take in account the 'total action malus' for the timebeing self:setPhraseTooltipCarac(ttWin, "ChaScore1_cost", phrase:getChaScore1Cost()) self:setPhraseTooltipCarac(ttWin, "ChaScore3_cost", phrase:getChaScore3Cost()) self:setPhraseTooltipCarac(ttWin, "ChaScore2_cost", phrase:getChaScore2Cost()) self:setPhraseTooltipCarac(ttWin, "ChaScore4_cost", phrase:getChascore4Cost()) self:setPhraseTooltipCarac(ttWin, "cast_time", phrase:getCastTime(), concatUCString(string.format("%.1f", phrase:getCastTime()), i18n.get("uittSeconds"))) local castRange = phrase:getCastRange() if not phrase:isMagicPhrase() then castRange = 0 end self:setPhraseTooltipCarac(ttWin, "cast_range", castRange, concatUCString(tostring(castRange), i18n.get("uittMeters"))) -- if the phrase is a power / aura, then we may want to display its regen time in the tooltip if phrase:isPowerPhrase() then setOnDraw(ttWin, "game:updatePowerPhraseTooltip()") else setOnDraw(ttWin, "") end -- local successRateText = ttWin:find("success_rate") local successRate = phrase:getSuccessRate() if successRate == 0 then successRateText.active = false else successRateText.active = true successRateText.uc_hardtext_single_line_format = concatUCString(i18n.get("uittSuccessRate"), tostring(successRate), " %") end local disableTimeText = ttWin:find("disable_time") if phrase:isPowerPhrase() then local disableTime = phrase:getPowerDisableTime() if disableTime == 0 then disableTimeText.active = false else disableTimeText.active = true disableTimeText.uc_hardtext_single_line_format = concatUCString(i18n.get("uittDisableTime"), game:timeInSecondsToReadableTime(disableTime / 10)) end else disableTimeText.active = false end game:updatePowerPhraseTooltip() updateTooltipCoords() return text end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called at each frame when a power/aura tooltip is displayed,in order to update the regen countdown function game:updatePowerPhraseTooltip() local ttWin = getUI("ui:interface:action_context_help") local leftRegenTime = 0 if LastTooltipPhrase:isPowerPhrase() then leftRegenTime = LastTooltipPhrase:getTotalRegenTime() - LastTooltipPhrase:getRegenTime() end if leftRegenTime < 0 then leftRegenTime = 0 end self:setPhraseTooltipPowerRegenTime(ttWin, leftRegenTime) updateTooltipCoords() end -- *************************************************************************** -- *************************************************************************** -- CURRENT BUFF ITEM -- *************************************************************************** -- *************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called by C++ code when the tooltip of a buff item is about to be displayed function game:updateBuffItemTooltip(buffItem) local ttWin = getUI("ui:interface:buff_item_context_help") local text = buffItem:getName() self:setPhraseTooltipCarac(ttWin, "ChaScore1_buff", buffItem:getChaScore1Buff()) self:setPhraseTooltipCarac(ttWin, "ChaScore2_buff", buffItem:getChaScore2Buff()) self:setPhraseTooltipCarac(ttWin, "ChaScore3_buff", buffItem:getChaScore3Buff()) self:setPhraseTooltipCarac(ttWin, "ChaScore4_buff", buffItem:getChaScore4Buff()) updateTooltipCoords() return text end -- *************************************************************************** -- *************************************************************************** -- CURRENT CRYSTALLIZED SPELL -- *************************************************************************** -- *************************************************************************** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called by C++ code when the tooltip of a cristallized spell is about to be displayed function game:updateCrystallizedSpellTooltip(crystallizedSpell) local ttWin = getUI("ui:interface:crystallized_spell_context_help") local text = crystallizedSpell:getName() crystallizedSpell:buildCrystallizedSpellListBrick() updateTooltipCoords() return text end