1. We are going to take a quick look at the main windows of the game and go over their functions.

Click here to continue.

2. This is the windows bar.
This is a direct link to basic actions, windows and game configuration.
(more info)

Click here to continue.

3. This is your main chat window.
It is through this window that you will be able to communicate with the world.
This is also where you will get feedback.
If you right click on a tab the window will be detached.

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4. The gauges window gives information about your state (life points, stamina, etc.) as well as your current action.

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5. The target gauge gives some information on the state of your target such as name and life points.

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6. The compass indicates North when the arrow points towards the top of the screen. It can also indicate other directions such as that of your target. It allows you to locate people or creatures around you.

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7. The action bar shows you the items you are holding along with their corresponding memorized actions.

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-- The End --

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