1. Start by selecting your opponent. To do this, simply click on the mob or player that you wish to attack. Once you have done this, your targets information appears in this window.

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2. Your opponent's direction can be located using the Compass. To do this, do a right click on the Compass and select 'Target'.

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3. From here on you can fight. Simply press , double click your target, or right click and select ATTACK (this is not always present as not everybody or everything can be attacked).

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4. It is possible to change your weapons using the action bar.

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5. Left click on your mouse on this button to display the list of weapons at your disposal.

Note: this list will be empty if you have no other weapons.

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6. In the same way, you can change the weapon or shield in your left hand weapon by pressing here.

Note: this list will be empty if you have no shield or left handed weapons.

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7. You can attack using actions other than the default. For this you will need to have combat actions memorized in the Action Window. There is a single slot for each combat action.

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8. Check that you have at least one memorized combat action. If you haven't, then start by memorizing one.
(more info)

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9. Once you have memorized at least one combat action, just click on it in order to go into combat mode and activate the combat action in question. A small icon will appear indicating that the action will be the next to be executed.

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10. To cycle the action then just double click it. A new icon will appear indicating that this action is activated in cycles (you can only cycle one action at a time).

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Now you know the rudiments of fighting.

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