*HASH_VALUE sbrick ID name * noms français ia da p pia pda description description2 _84AB93F80D246E3B BFPA01 Default attack a the the Base stanza for all combat actions. Default Attack Fight Stanza _CD9CEEBCAF485D13 BFOA01 Increase Damage an the the Increases damage inflicted by a hit. Increase Damage Option _0B2B04D81E6D1478 BFOA02 Hit Rate a the the Increases the firing rate of your weapon. Increase Firing Rate Option _2DA208720787905D BFOA03 Accurate Attack an the the Increases the accuracy of attack, reduces the chances of enemy dodging. Accurate Attack Option _672D3E3CABCD5AEE BMOETEA01 Acid Damage an the the Inflicts acid damage on your enemy. Acid Damage Spell Effect