-- In this file we define functions that serves for help windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- create the game namespace without reseting if already created in an other file. if (help==nil) then help= {}; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function help:closeCSBrowserHeader() local ui = getUI('ui:interface:cs_browser'); -- save size ui_cs_browser_h = ui.h; ui_cs_browser_w = ui.w; -- reduce window size ui.pop_min_h = 32; ui.h = 0; ui.w = 216; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function help:openCSBrowserHeader() local ui = getUI('ui:interface:cs_browser'); ui.pop_min_h = 96; -- set size from saved values if (ui_cs_browser_h ~= nil) then ui.h = ui_cs_browser_h; end if (ui_cs_browser_w ~= nil) then ui.w = ui_cs_browser_w; end end