# error code for sentence validation # BS_TARGET_TOO_FAR "&RG&Your target is too far away." # BS_TARGET_TOO_FAR_OR "&RG&Your target is too far away or you are not facing it." BS_TOO_EXPENSIVE "&RG&You cannot afford this formula or action phrase." EGS_TOO_EXPENSIVE_SAP "&RG&You do not have enough sap for this action." # EGS_TOO_EXPENSIVE_STAMINA "&RG&You do not have enough stamina for this action." # EGS_TOO_EXPENSIVE_HP "&RG&You do not have enough hp to pay this action cost." # BS_INVALID_TARGET "&RG&Invalid Target." # BS_ITEM_INCOMPATIBLE "&RG&This formula or action phrase is incompatible with the item in your hand." BS_NEED_WEAPON "&RG&This strategy needs a weapon." # BS_NO_AMMO "&RG&This weapon needs ammo." BS_AMMO_INCOMPATIBLE "&RG&The selected weapon is incompatible with the selected ammo." BS_ITEM_INCOMPATIBLE_FOR_2_HANDS "&RG&You must carry a sword in your right hand and a dagger in the left to perform this action" # EGS_NOT_ENOUGH_AMMO "&RG&This strategy needs more ammunition." EGS_COMBAT_NO_VALID_SLOT "&RG&Cannot enter combat as there is no available weapon or empty sheath for hand to hand combat." EGS_CANNOT_ENGAGE_COMBAT_YET "&RG&You cannot engage combat yet." BS_LACK_STAMINA "&RG&You need to regain stamina to do this. Rest first." # BS_TARGET_NOT_ATTACKABLE "&RG&You cannot use offensive action against your current target." # BS_INVALID "&RG&Invalid sentence." BS_UNCOMPLETE "&RG&Uncomplete formula, mandatory bricks are missing." # player need a full armor set EGS_NEED_FULL_LIGHT_ARMOR_SET "&RG&You need a full light armor set to use this strategy." EGS_NEED_FULL_MEDIUM_ARMOR_SET "&RG&You need a full medium armor set to use this strategy." EGS_NEED_FULL_HEAVY_ARMOR_SET "&RG&You need a full heavy armor set to use this strategy." EGS_NEED_FULL_ARMOR_SET "&RG&You need a full armor set to use this strategy." # invalid target action state EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_ENTITY_RANGE_COMBAT "&RG&You cannot target an entity engaged in range combat." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_ENTITY_MELEE_COMBAT "&RG&You cannot target an entity engaged in melee combat." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_ENTITY_CASTING "&RG&You cannot target an entity which is casting a spell." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_ENTITY_DOING_FABER "&RG&You cannot target an entity which is crafting." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_ENTITY_HARVESTING "&RG&You cannot target an entity which is harvesting." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_ENTITY_TRACKING "&RG&You cannot target an entity which is tracking." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_ENTITY_WALKING "&RG&You cannot target a walking entity." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_ENTITY_RUNNING "&RG&You cannot target a running entity." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_ENTITY_IDLE "&RG&You cannot target an idle entity." EGS_CANNOT_MUST_TARGET_ENTITY_IDLE "&RG&You must target an idle entity." #invalid target nature EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_KAMI_COMBAT_S "&RG&The strategy $0s cannot be used against a Kami." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_HOMIN_COMBAT_S "&RG&The strategy $0s cannot be used against a homin." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_CREATURE_COMBAT_S "&RG&The strategy $0s cannot be used against a creature." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_KAMI_MAGIC_S "&RG&The spell $0s cannot be cast on a Kami." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_HOMIN_MAGIC_S "&RG&The spell $0s cannot be cast on a homin." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_CREATURE_MAGIC_S "&RG&The spell $0s cannot be cast on a creature." EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_ENEMY_MAGIC "&RG&This spell cannot be cast on a enemy." #insuficient level EGS_CANNOT_TARGET_HIGHER_LVL "&RG&You cannot use this formula on an higher level entity." # feature under construction EGS_FEATURE_UNDER_CONSTRUCTION "&RG&This feature is under construction." # more accurate comments EGS_NEED_WEAPON_S "&RG&This strategy needs a weapon using skill $0s." #PVP # EGS_PVP_NOT_ALLOWED "&RG&You cannot enter combat with or use offensive actions against another player in this area." # cannot use a skill with a score of 0 EGS_CANNOT_USE_NULL_SKILL_S "&RG&You cannot do this action as you don't have the necessary skill $0s." # cannot act while on mektoub (debug) EGS_CANNOT_USE_ACTION_ON_MEKTOUB "&RG&You cannot carry out actions while riding a mektoub." # need opening EGS_OPENING_DODGE_FAILED "&RG&You can only use this action after you successfully dodge your opponent." EGS_OPENING_PARRY_FAILED "&RG&You can only use this action after you successfully parry your opponent."