# when an entity resists a spell BS_U_RESIST_SPELL_E "&BC&You resist the spell from $0e." BS_UR_RESIST_SPELL_E "&RG&$0e resists your spell." BS_RESIST_SPELL_EE "&BC&$0e resists the spell from $1e." BS_RESIST_SPELL_E "&BC&$0e resists a spell." # when an entity is protected against a special effect BS_TARGET_PROTECTED "&RG&Your target is protected against this type of effect." BS_U_PROTECTED "&VE&You are protected against this type of effect." # magic shield BS_MAGIC_SHIELD_I "&VE&Your magic shield has absorbed $0i damage." BS_MAGIC_SHIELD_DEAD "&VE&Your magic shield has been destroyed." # when an entity is hit by a spell BS_SUFFER_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_E "&BC&An aggressive spell is cast on $0e." BS_SUFFER_NEUTRAL_SPELL_E "&BC&A neutral spell is cast on $0e." BS_SUFFER_BENEFICIAL_SPELL_E "&BC&A beneficial spell is cast on $0e." # when the player is hit by a spell BS_U_SUFFER_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_E "&RG&$0e casts an aggressive spell on you." BS_U_SUFFER_NEUTRAL_SPELL_E "&BC&$0e casts a neutral spell on you." BS_U_SUFFER_BENEFICIAL_SPELL_E "&BC&$0e casts a beneficial spell on you." BS_SELF_CAST_S "&BC&The $0s magic hits you." # when an entity is casting BS_CASTING_OFFENSIVE_E "&BL&$0e casts an aggressive spell" BS_CASTING_NEUTRAL_E "&BL&$0e casts a neutral spell" BS_CASTING_BENEFICIAL_E "&BL&$0e casts a beneficial spell" # when an entity is healed BS_HEAL_EEI "&BC&$0e heals $1e by $2i hp" BS_YOU_HEAL_EI "&BC&You heal $0e by $1i hp." BS_HEALS_YOU_EI "&BC&$0e heals you by $1i hp." # break cast BS_CAST_BREAK "&RG&Your spell casting has been broken." BS_TARGET_HIGHER_LEVEL "&RG&This spell has no effect because the target level is too high." EGS_MAGIC_U_SUFFER_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_SAP_EI "&RG&$0e inflicts you $1i magic sap damage." EGS_MAGIC_U_CAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_SAP_EI "&BC&You inflict $1i magic sap damage to $0e." EGS_MAGIC_U_SUFFER_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_STA_EI "&RG&$0e inflicts you $1i magic stamina damage." EGS_MAGIC_U_CAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_STA_EI "&BC&You inflict $1i magic stamina damage to $0e." EGS_MAGIC_U_SUFFER_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_HP_EI "&RG&$0e inflicts you $1i magic hit points damage." EGS_MAGIC_U_CAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_HP_EI "&BC&You inflict $1i magic hit points damage to $0e." EGS_MAGIC_U_SELFCAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_HP_I "&BC&You inflict yourself $0i magic hit points damage." EGS_MAGIC_U_SELFCAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_SAP_I "&BC&You inflict yourself $0i magic sap points damage." EGS_MAGIC_U_SELFCAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_STA_I "&BC&You inflict yourself $0i magic stamina points damage." EGS_MAGIC_CAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_HP_EEI "&BC&$0e inflicts $2i magic hit points damage on $1e." EGS_MAGIC_CAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_SAP_EEI "&BC&$0e inflicts $2i magic sap points damage on $1e." EGS_MAGIC_CAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_STA_EEI "&BC&$0e inflicts $2i magic stamina points damage on $1e." EGS_MAGIC_SELFCAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_HP_EI "&BC&$0e inflicts himself $1i magic hit points damage." EGS_MAGIC_SELFCAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_SAP_EI "&BC&$0e inflicts himself $1i magic sap points damage." EGS_MAGIC_SELFCAST_OFFENSIVE_SPELL_STA_EI "&BC&$0e inflicts himself $1i magic stamina points damage." EGS_MAGIC_U_SUFFER_HEAL_SPELL_SAP_EI "&BC&$0e heals you $1i sap." EGS_MAGIC_U_CAST_HEAL_SPELL_SAP_EI "&BC&You heal $0e $1i sap." EGS_MAGIC_U_SUFFER_HEAL_SPELL_STA_EI "&BC&$0e heals you $1i stamina." EGS_MAGIC_U_CAST_HEAL_SPELL_STA_EI "&BC&You heal $0e $1i stamina." EGS_MAGIC_U_SUFFER_HEAL_SPELL_HP_EI "&BC&$0e heals you $1i hit points." EGS_MAGIC_U_CAST_HEAL_SPELL_HP_EI "&BC&You heal $0e $1i hit points." EGS_MAGIC_HEAL_SPELL_HP_EEI "&BC&$0e heals $1e $2i hit points." EGS_MAGIC_HEAL_SPELL_SAP_EEI "&BC&$0e heals $1e $2i sap points." EGS_MAGIC_HEAL_SPELL_STA_EEI "&BC&$0e heals $1e $2i stamina points." EGS_MAGIC_U_SELF_HEAL_HP_I "&BC&You heal yourself $0i hit points." EGS_MAGIC_U_SELF_HEAL_SAP_I "&BC&You regain $0i sap points." EGS_MAGIC_U_SELF_HEAL_STA_I "&BC&You regain $0i stamina points." EGS_MAGIC_SELF_HEAL_HP_EI "&BC&$0e regains $1i hit points." EGS_MAGIC_SELF_HEAL_SAP_EI "&BC&$0e regains $1i sap points." EGS_MAGIC_SELF_HEAL_STA_EI "&BC&$0e regains $1i stamina points."