-- In this file we define functions that serves for bot_chat windows ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- create the game namespace without reseting if already created in an other file. if (game==nil) then game = {} end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called to construct guild flags background in the modal window function game:bcCreateGuildInitFlags() local ui = getUICaller() for i = 0,14 do local uiBack = getUI(getUIId(ui) .. ':back' .. i) uiBack.image1.back = i+1 uiBack.image1.symbol = 0 uiBack.image1.color1 = runExpr('makeRGB(255,255,255)') uiBack.image1.color2 = runExpr('makeRGB(0,0,0)') end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- called when UI:TEMP:MISSION:MISSION_TYPE changed -- trap some parts should be deprecated ... try to clean it up function game:bcMissionsUpdate() local mt = getDbProp('UI:TEMP:MISSION:MISSION_TYPE') -- init bot_chat_missions title local title = 'uiBotChatMissions' if (mt == 3) then title = 'uiBotChatZCCharges' elseif (mt == 4) then title = 'uiBotChatBuilding' elseif (mt == 5) then title = 'uiBotChatRMBuy' elseif (mt == 6) then title = 'uiBotChatRMUpgrade' end local ui = getUI('ui:interface:bot_chat_missions') ui.title = title -- init desc title = 'uiSelectMission' if (mt == 3) then title = 'uiSelectZCCharge' elseif (mt == 4) then title = 'uiSelectBuilding' elseif (mt == 5) then title = 'uiSelectRMBuy' elseif (mt == 6) then title = 'uiSelectRMUpgrade' end ui.header_opened.mission_title.hardtext = title ui.header_opened.zc_duty.active = (mt == 3) ui.header_opened.xp_guild.active = ((mt == 5) or (mt == 6)) -- init bot_chat_accept_mission title title = 'uiAcceptMission' if (mt == 3) then title = 'uiAcceptZCCharge' elseif (mt == 4) then title = 'uiAcceptBuilding' elseif (mt == 5) then title = 'uiAcceptRMBuy' elseif (mt == 6) then title = 'uiAcceptRMUpgrade' end ui = getUI('ui:interface:bot_chat_accept_mission') ui.title = title; end