How to manage your character

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Step 1: Controlling your character

To meet characters, take up the numerous challenges in Ryzom, you will have to be familiar with the controls in order to control your character.

Basic movements:

Forward: As long as you keep the "PAGE UP" key pressed down you will move forward.

As long as you keep the "PAGE DOWN" key pressed down:
- you will move backwards when using the 1st person camera (i.e. when you see through the eyes of the character).
- you will do a half turn and move facing the screen when you are using the 3rd person camera (this view allows you to see your character and his/her environment).

Turn left: Press the LEFT arrow to turn left.
Turn right:

Press the RIGHT arrow to turn right.



Advanced movements:

Strafe is a movement that enables you to move sideways.

Strafe left: Keep the LEFT arrow pressed down along with the CTRL key and you will move sideways to the left.
Strafe right: Keep the RIGHT arrow pressed down along with the CTRL key and you will move sideways to the right.


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