Action Bar |
This interface allows you to perform all of the actions of the game.
Right Hand : This is your right hand, and objects that you have in this hand appear here.
If you click on this icon you'll have the list of items that you can put in this hand.
Left Hand : Just like the right hand.
Actions : There are 20 slots where you can set all the various actions of the game.
You actually have 10 sets of 20 slots. The set currently being shown is represented by this number.
By clicking on the arrows you can change the current set.
Create a new action : left or right click on an empty slot and choose "NEW ACTION".
Duplicate an action : while drag and drop an action slot, you can press CTRL to actually duplicate and not move the action.
Note that items that occupy both hands must be placed in the right hand. Their icon is displayed in the right hand and also displayed in a half tone in the left hand.