------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- create the game namespace without reseting if already created in an other file. if (game==nil) then game= {}; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- function game:getMilkoTooltipWithKey(prop, tooltip, tooltip_pushed, name, param) local tt; -- Check if button is toggled and choose the good tooltip if (prop ~= '' and tooltip_pushed ~= '') then local db = getDbProp(prop); if (db == 1) then tt = tooltip_pushed; else tt = tooltip; end else tt = tooltip; end -- Get key shortcut local text = i18n.get(tt); local key = runExpr('getKey(\'' .. name .. '\',\'' .. param .. '\',1)'); if (key ~= nil and key ~= '') then key = ' @{2F2F}(' .. key .. ')'; text = concatUCString(text, key); end setContextHelpText(text); end function game:taskbarDisableTooltip(ui) local uiGroup = getUI(ui); disableContextHelpForControl(uiGroup); end