-- This file contains code that is called each frame by the C++ framework r2.UIMainLoop = { -- TODO nico : move this in a better place LeftQuotaModified = true, -- when set to true, the "left quota" field in the scenario window should be updated PlotItemsModified = false } local firstLoop = true local loopIndex = 0 local lastTime = 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Called by the C++ framework just after scene has been rendered and before ui rendering function r2.UIMainLoop:onPostSceneRender() -- if left quota has been modified then update scenario window if r2.Mode == "Edit" then if self.LeftQuotaModified then r2.ScenarioWindow:updateLeftQuota() end r2.SelectBar:update() end -- plot items if self.PlotItemsModified then r2.PlotItemDisplayerCommon:updateAll() self.PlotItemsModified = false end -- if there's a forms displayed, call its update proc if it has one if r2.CurrentForm and r2.CurrentForm.active then if type(r2.CurrentForm.Env.Form.onPostRender) == "function" then r2.CurrentForm.Env.Form.onPostRender(r2.CurrentForm.Env.FormInstance) end end if firstLoop == true then firstLoop = false else loopIndex = loopIndex + 1 if loopIndex > 10 then loopIndex = 0 local now =os.clock () if now ~= lastTime then lastTime = now if r2.Translator then r2.Translator.updateEachSecond() end if ld.update then ld.update() end if not r2_core.UserComponentManager:isInitialized() and r2.isServerEditionModuleUp() then r2_core.UserComponentManager:init() end end end end end