497 lines
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497 lines
17 KiB
extends MarginContainer
export( bool ) var is_movable = true
export( bool ) var is_resizable = true
export( bool ) var is_borderless = false
export( bool ) var has_footer = true
export( String ) var title = "Window"
export( Color ) var content_color = Color( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )# test
export( Color ) var background_color = Color( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 )
export( Texture ) var background_texture = null
export( Vector2 ) var min_size= Vector2( 128, 128 )
export( Rect2 ) var content_margin = Rect2( 8, 8, 8, 8 )
signal window_clicked( window )
onready var header_box = $parts/header_box
onready var content_box = $parts/content_box
onready var footer_box = $parts/footer_box
var current_rect_size = Vector2( 0, 0 )
var current_rect_position = Vector2( -1, -1 )
var is_resizing = false
var is_moving = false
var size_changed = true
func add_child_to_content( node):
if self.get_content():
# else:
# .add_child( node )
# prints(self.get_name()+" just fathered", node.get_name())
func add_window_part( node ):
add_child( node )
func set_mouse_pass_to_children( node ):
for child in node.get_children():
set_mouse_pass_to_children( child )
if node is Control:
node.mouse_filter = MOUSE_FILTER_PASS
#func _ready():
func _enter_tree():
#### Window's part création.
# The interal elements structure is:
# self - MarginContainer
# background - NinePatchRect
# parts - VBoxContainer
# header_box - MarginContainer
# header - HBoxContainer
# quit - TextureButton
# close - TextureButton
# open - TextureButton
# label - Label
# content_box - MarginContainer
# scroll_container - Scrollcontainer
# content - VBoxContainer
# footer_box - MarginContainer
# footer - HBoxContainer
# contextual_help - Label
# resize - TextureButton
# self
self.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND
self.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_EXPAND
self.set( "custom_constants/margin_right", 0)
self.set( "custom_constants/margin_top", 0)
self.set( "custom_constants/margin_left", 0)
self.set( "custom_constants/margin_bottom", 0)
self.connect ( "gui_input", self, "_on_window_gui_input" )
# background
var background
if not self.has_node( "background" ):
background = NinePatchRect.new()
background.name = "background"
if not background_texture:
var background_image = Image.new()
var stream_texture = load('res://addons/ui_window/background_default.jpg')
if not stream_texture :
print("Erreur lors du chargement de l'image: "+str("res://addons/ui_window/background_default.jpg") )
background_image = stream_texture.get_data()
background.texture = ImageTexture.new()
background.texture.create_from_image( background_image )
background.texture = background_texture
background.texture.flags = Texture.FLAG_FILTER | Texture.FLAG_REPEAT
background.axis_stretch_horizontal = NinePatchRect.AXIS_STRETCH_MODE_TILE
background.axis_stretch_vertical = NinePatchRect.AXIS_STRETCH_MODE_TILE
background.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
background.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
background.region_rect = Rect2( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
background.patch_margin_left = 4
background.patch_margin_top = 32
background.patch_margin_right = 4
background.patch_margin_bottom = 4
background.self_modulate = background_color
self.add_window_part( background )
# background.set_owner( self )
# parts
var parts
if not self.has_node( "parts" ):
parts = VBoxContainer.new()
parts.name = "parts"
parts.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
parts.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
self.add_window_part( parts )
# parts.set_owner( self )
# header_box
var header_box
if not parts.has_node( "header_box" ):
header_box = MarginContainer.new()
header_box.name = "header_box"
header_box.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
header_box.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
header_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_right", 4)
header_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_top", 4)
header_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_left", 4)
header_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_bottom", 4)
if is_movable:
header_box.mouse_default_cursor_shape = CURSOR_MOVE
parts.add_child( header_box )
# header_box.set_owner( parts )
header_box.connect ( "gui_input", self, "_on_Header_gui_input" )
# header
var header
if not header_box.has_node( "header" ):
header = HBoxContainer.new()
header.name = "header"
header.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
header.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_EXPAND | SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
if is_movable:
header.mouse_default_cursor_shape = CURSOR_MOVE
header_box.add_child( header )
# header.set_owner( header_box )
# quit
var quit_button
if not header.has_node( "quit" ):
quit_button = TextureButton.new()
quit_button.name = "quit"
quit_button.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_SHRINK_END
quit_button.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
var tex_quit = ImageTexture.new()
var img_quit = Image.new()
var stream_texture = load( "res://assets/GUI/images/button_quit.png")
img_quit = stream_texture.get_data()
tex_quit.create_from_image( img_quit )
quit_button.texture_normal = tex_quit
header.add_child( quit_button )
# quit_button.set_owner( header )
quit_button.connect ( "pressed", self, "_on_Quit_pressed" )
# close
var close_button = TextureButton.new()
if not header.has_node( "close" ):
close_button = TextureButton.new()
close_button.name = "close"
close_button.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_SHRINK_END
close_button.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
var tex_close = ImageTexture.new()
var img_close = Image.new()
var stream_texture = load("res://assets/GUI/images/button_close.png")
img_close = stream_texture.get_data()
tex_close.create_from_image( img_close )
close_button.texture_normal = tex_close
header.add_child( close_button )
# close_button.set_owner( header )
close_button.connect ( "pressed", self, "_on_Close_pressed" )
# open
var open_button
if not header.has_node( "open" ):
open_button = TextureButton.new()
open_button.name = "open"
open_button.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_SHRINK_END
open_button.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
var tex_open = ImageTexture.new()
var img_open = Image.new()
var stream_texture = load("res://assets/GUI/images/button_open.png")
img_open = stream_texture.get_data()
tex_open.create_from_image( img_open )
open_button.texture_normal = tex_open
open_button.visible = false
header.add_child( open_button )
# open_button.set_owner( header )
open_button.connect ( "pressed", self, "_on_Open_pressed" )
# Title Label
var title_label
if not header.has_node( "label" ):
title_label = Label.new()
title_label.name = "label"
title_label.text = title
title_label.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
title_label.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER
if is_movable:
title_label.mouse_default_cursor_shape = CURSOR_MOVE
header.add_child( title_label )
# title_label.set_owner( header )
# Content
var content_box
if not parts.has_node( "content_box" ):
content_box = MarginContainer.new()
content_box.name = "content_box"
content_box.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
content_box.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
content_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_right", 8)
content_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_top", 8)
content_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_left", 8)
content_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_bottom", 8)
parts.add_child( content_box )
# content_box.set_owner( parts )
# content_box/scroll_container
var content_scroll_container
if not content_box.has_node( "scroll_container" ):
content_scroll_container = ScrollContainer.new()
content_scroll_container.name = "scroll_container"
content_scroll_container.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_FILL
content_scroll_container.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_FILL
content_scroll_container.scroll_deadzone = 0
content_box.add_child( content_scroll_container )
# content_scroll_container.set_owner( content_box )
# content
var content
if not content_scroll_container.has_node( "content" ):
content = VBoxContainer.new()
content.name = "content"
content.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
content.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
content_scroll_container.add_child( content )
# content.set_owner( content_scroll_container )
# Footer
var footer_box
if not parts.has_node( "footer_box" ):
footer_box = MarginContainer.new()
footer_box.name = "footer_box"
footer_box.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_FILL
footer_box.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_FILL
footer_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_right", content_margin.position.y)
footer_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_top", content_margin.size.x)
footer_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_left", content_margin.position.x)
footer_box.set( "custom_constants/margin_bottom", content_margin.size.y)
parts.add_child( footer_box )
# footer_box.set_owner( parts )
# footer_box/footer
var footer
if not footer_box.has_node( "footer" ):
footer = HBoxContainer.new()
footer.name = "footer"
footer.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
footer.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_EXPAND_FILL
footer_box.add_child( footer )
# footer.set_owner( footer_box )
# footer_label
var footer_label
if not footer.has_node( "footer_label" ):
footer_label = Label.new()
footer_label.name = "footer_label"
footer_label.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_EXPAND
footer_label.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_EXPAND
footer.add_child( footer_label )
# resize
var resize_button
if not footer.has_node( "resize" ):
resize_button = TextureButton.new()
resize_button.name = "resize"
resize_button.size_flags_horizontal = SIZE_FILL | SIZE_SHRINK_END
resize_button.size_flags_vertical = SIZE_SHRINK_END
var tex_resize = ImageTexture.new()
var img_resize = Image.new()
var stream_texture = load("res://assets/GUI/images/button_resize.png")
img_resize = stream_texture.get_data()
tex_resize.create_from_image( img_resize )
resize_button.texture_normal = tex_resize
resize_button.mouse_default_cursor_shape = CURSOR_FDIAGSIZE
resize_button.action_mode = Button.ACTION_MODE_BUTTON_PRESS
footer.add_child( resize_button )
# resize_button.set_owner( footer )
resize_button.connect ( "pressed", self, "_on_Resize_pressed" )
###er_label.set_owner( footer )
current_rect_size = self.rect_min_size
if is_borderless:
$background.region_rect = Rect2( $background.patch_margin_left-1
, $background.patch_margin_top-1
, 256-($background.patch_margin_left+$background.patch_margin_right)+2
, 256-($background.patch_margin_top+$background.patch_margin_bottom)+2 )
$background.patch_margin_left = 1
$background.patch_margin_top = 1
$background.patch_margin_right = 1
$background.patch_margin_bottom = 1
header_box.rect_min_size.y = 1
close_button.visible = false
open_button.visible = false
quit_button.visible = false
title_label.visible = false
if not is_resizable:
if not has_footer:
footer_box.visible = false
footer_box.get_node( "footer/resize" ).visible = false
func _ready():
# On déplace les enfants ajouter via l'editeur sous content.
for child in self.get_children():
if not child.name =="parts" and not child.name =="background":
if child.name.begins_with( "footer_" ):
if footer_box.get_node("footer").has_node("footer_label"):
footer_box.get_node("footer").remove_child( footer_box.get_node("footer").get_node("footer_label") )
self.remove_child( child )
get_footer().add_child( child )
get_footer().move_child( child, 0 )
self.remove_child( child )
get_content().add_child( child )
set_mouse_pass_to_children( self )
func _process(delta):
if size_changed:
self.rect_size = Vector2( clamp( self.rect_size.x, min_size.x, self.rect_size.x ), clamp( self.rect_size.y, min_size.y, self.rect_size.y ) )
size_changed = false
func _on_Window_mouse_entered():
func _on_Window_focus_entered():
func _on_Quit_pressed():
self.visible = false
func get_content():
return content_box.get_node( "scroll_container/content" )
func get_footer():
return footer_box.get_node( "footer" )
func close():
if not is_borderless:
header_box.get_node( "header/close" ).visible = false
header_box.get_node( "header/open" ).visible = true
content_box.visible = false
footer_box.visible = false
current_rect_size = self.rect_size
self.rect_size = Vector2( 0, 0 )
header_box.get_node( "header/close" ).visible = false
header_box.get_node( "header/open" ).visible = false
content_box.visible = false
footer_box.visible = false
current_rect_size = self.rect_size
self.rect_size = Vector2( 0, 0 )
func _on_Close_pressed():
func open():
if not is_borderless:
header_box.get_node( "header/close" ).visible = true
header_box.get_node( "header/open" ).visible = false
content_box.visible = true
footer_box.visible = true
self.rect_size = current_rect_size
header_box.get_node( "header/close" ).visible = false
header_box.get_node( "header/open" ).visible = false
content_box.visible = true
footer_box.visible = true
self.rect_size = current_rect_size
func _on_Open_pressed():
func _on_Resize_pressed():
is_resizing = true
func _input( event ):
if is_resizable:
if is_resizing and event is InputEventMouseButton and not event.pressed:
is_resizing = false
if event is InputEventMouseMotion and is_resizing:
var delta = event.relative
self.rect_size += delta
size_changed = true
func check_if_clicked( event ):
if not is_moving and event is InputEventMouseButton and event.is_pressed() and not event.is_echo() and event.button_index == 1 :
emit_signal( "window_clicked", self )
func _on_Header_gui_input( event ):
check_if_clicked( event )
if is_movable:
if is_moving and event is InputEventMouseButton and not event.pressed:
is_moving = false
elif not is_moving and event is InputEventMouseButton and event.pressed:
is_moving = true
if event is InputEventMouseMotion and is_moving:
var delta = event.relative
self.rect_position += delta
func _on_window_gui_input( event ):
check_if_clicked( event )
func load_from_file( config_file ):
if config_file.has_section( self.name ):
self.rect_position = config_file.get_value( self.name, "position" )
self.rect_size = config_file.get_value( self.name, "size" )
self.is_borderless = config_file.get_value( self.name, "borderless" )
current_rect_position = self.rect_position
current_rect_size = self.rect_size
if config_file.get_value( self.name, "opened" ):
func save_to_file( config_file ):
var is_open = content_box.visible
config_file.set_value(self.name, "position", self.rect_position)
if not is_open:
config_file.set_value(self.name, "size", current_rect_size)
config_file.set_value(self.name, "size", self.rect_size)
if is_open:
config_file.set_value(self.name, "opened", true)
config_file.set_value(self.name, "opened", false)
config_file.set_value(self.name, "borderless", is_borderless)