
43 lines
1.3 KiB

extends MarginContainer
var HUD_config_file = "user://hud.cfg"
func _ready():
var config_file = ConfigFile.new()
var err = config_file.load( HUD_config_file )
if err:
print("Error code when loading config file: ", err)
for child in get_node("Windows" ).get_children():
child.load_from_file( config_file )
func _input( event ):
if event.is_action_pressed( "ui_music_controls" ):
$Windows/Music.visible = not $Windows/Music.visible
func _on_SaveHUD_pressed():
var config_file = ConfigFile.new()
var err = config_file.load( HUD_config_file )
if err:
print("Error code when loading config file: ", err)
for child in get_node("Windows" ).get_children():
child.save_to_file( config_file )
config_file.save( HUD_config_file )
func _on_Windows_gui_input( event ):
if event is InputEventMouseButton \
and Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE \
and event.is_action_pressed( "ui_free_cursor" ):
Input.set_mouse_mode( Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED )
elif event is InputEventMouseButton \
and Input.get_mouse_mode() == Input.MOUSE_MODE_CAPTURED \
and event.is_action_pressed( "ui_free_cursor" ):
Input.set_mouse_mode( Input.MOUSE_MODE_VISIBLE )